Thursday, January 12, 2006

Town Hall Meeting Shocker

I just got home from a "town hall" type of meeting with my congressman, Brian Baird (Washington 3rd). He's a smart, personable, even-tempered guy who's good at thinking on his feet, which I guess is why he keeps winning elections. He and I have disagreed over the years on some issues (e.g., Terri Shiavo, flag burning), but he's in the forefront of fighting for veterans' benefits, supporting veterans' issues and funding veterans' health care, so by and large he's way better than whatever knuckledragger the Repugs have thrown -- or can throw -- up against him.

But he told an absolutely appalling story about what happened when he and his wife attempted to travel to Kuwait to make a personal visit to a group of National Guard troops from right here in this district who had been deployed to Kuwait and were on the verge of going into Iraq.

He contacted the commanding general of Task Force Olympia and was told that they would not allow him to make an official visit as a congressman and not be able to ask questions of the troops because -- get this -- That fat bastard, the Squeaker of the Hose, one Denny Fat-boy Clogged-arteries Supersize-me Make-that-three-triple- cheeseburgers Hastert issued an edict that no Democratic congressman could speak to the troops without a Repugnican sewer rat being present.

And people still wonder why we need to get that slavering pack of corrupt GOP bastards out of there.


JBlue said...


Worser and worser.

Alexander Wolfe said...

Well you couldn't let him do that because then the troops might say something that won't get reported back to ol' Bush himself.

One Vet said...

If this is true, and I have no reason to doubt your congressman's veracity, it is very disturbing.

A.W. Patriot said...

Do you mind if I post this? Of course I will give a link to your page....

Fourth pew, center said...

Um, where does the Speaker of the House get the authority to give orders to a general? The Speaker is in their chain of command????

Farnsworth68 said...

Independent Patriot -- No, of course I don't mind. I want the word to get out.
Fourth Pew -- We are dealing with the most corrupt, unlawful, double-dealing backstabbing group of felons that we've ever had in power. They can do anything they want, IF nobody stands up to them.

JBlue said...

POV, I'm back to post a link, too. Keep thinking about this, and it IS disturbing, as another commenter noted.

Anonymous said...

So what is HE doing about it? Did he tell you that? Guess not our you would have passed it along. Sounds like another urban legend.

You sold the flag and Terri out for benefits that every congressman should support? Fucking Capitalist!

Anonymous said...

Love that line about super size me Denny. You go! They probably don't want the troops to know the truth about what people think back here or to be able to tell the truth about what's going on there.

Farnsworth68 said...

I don't have very many rules here, but there are a couple that I strongly adhere to:
1. I don't debate anonymous freepers.
2. I refuse to engage in a battle of wits with an unarmed man.

Granny said...

I'd like to link to this too. Another great-grandmother and I have a tiny blog called

I came over here from julian who visits us. we reciprocate.

You're welcome as well. The link on my name will take you to another blog (also mine) but isamericaburning is listed on the sidebar.

Anonymous said...

Farnsworth, did our congresman tell you what he was going to do about it?

And I woulda called you a Facist if I would have been that worked up... I think we are all capitalist aren't we? Even the pinko commies are in it for the money!

Back to the question, is it true our congressman is letting a career GI tell him whatup? I mean really if that is all the backbone he's got you should have his job. I would love to see that!

Good read btw