Now don't you think that after all the millions and millions of dollars the NRA has poured into the Republican Party, someone could have taken just a little time to give VP Crashcart Cheney one of their famous firearm safety classes?
Just asking.
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-- Henry Kissinger
-- Archbishop Helder Camara
-- Robert A. Heinlein
-- Voltaire
-- Malcolm X
-- Eric Hoffer
-- Sinclair Lewis
-- Adolph Hitler
-- President John F. Kennedy
-- Cardinal Roberto Bellarmine, 1615,
during the trial of Galileo
-- Andrew Lias
-- Sigmund Freud
-- Samuel Johnson
-- Benjamin Franklin
-- Pope Gregory XVI (1831-1846)
-- Walt Kelly, Pogo
Now don't you think that after all the millions and millions of dollars the NRA has poured into the Republican Party, someone could have taken just a little time to give VP Crashcart Cheney one of their famous firearm safety classes?
Just asking.
Posted by Farnsworth68 at 9:58 AM
Quote of the Day |
"Liberalism is trust of the people tempered by prudence. Conservatism is distrust of the people tempered by fear." -- William Gladstone |
So many jokes to be made about this one. First I have to say that even thought hes a republican and a lawyer I still feel bad for a guy who is 78 years old and got shot in the face/chest with bird shot at close range. But beyond that I have to make the same joke everyone else is making, This is the first program of cheneys that I agree with, Lawyer Hunting, or "the war on lawyers" if you will. So many jokes around the office today.
Oh common now, do you really think he actually shot the guy? From what the news said he hunts in over 5 states and is obviously well funding the states in hunting permits! ???
Obviously this poor guys implant failed and he started talking about liberal ideals like democracy and Chenny had to take him out and get that implant replaced before the media reported some confused quotes about a prominent lawyer...
Guess they shouldn't have out sourced the implant manufacturing to China! lots of defects starting to happen around the world leaders!
Love those jokes btw!
Hmmm, rightwingnut may have discovered the reason for the 20 hour delay at reporting the incident to the public. But, you would think Charleton Heston, demented though he is, could teach Darth how to weild a rifle if he's gonna live in this galaxy
Good point elizabeth green the implant and the replacement failed so they had to keep him in the hospital longer so they shot him! and leaked the story to the media in unfashionable way to cause confusion!
Hi. Just checking in for the first time but not the last.
At least I think it's the first time. I can get a little confused at times.
Best wishes.
Ann (aka granny)
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