It just never quits. I heard on the Stephanie Miller show this morning that Rush Oxy-from-Miami Limbaugh whined on his nationally-syndicated-with-a-steadily-shrinking-audience radio show the other day that the New York Times (that grey bastion of the "Liberal Media") in its coverage the whole Paul Hackett debacle ignored the fact that Sherrod Brown was Black.
Not that I can see what it really has to do with anything anyway, but that aside, as you can see for yourself from the photo below, Sherrod Brown is not black.
Rusty, maybe if you actually paid attention at Bettie Furd, you would have learned that after you complete rehab, you're not supposed to continue using drugs. Maybe if that had happened, you would have taken just that little bit of extra time to do -- novel concept -- some fact checking. It would take you about six fucking seconds to do a Google Image Search for Congressman Brown and see for yourself.

Jesus, when are people going get wise to these dangerously bloviating and disingenuously prevaricating airwave assholes from the far right?
Can't remember if I ever commented here or just lurked but this one calls for an attaboy.
Ann (aka granny)
Great catch, my friend.
Don't get me started on Rush Limbaugh. He only got his "fame" because he couldn't cut it in the law profession with the rest of his family. He flunked out of college, so his dad bought a radio station to give him something to do. So, now he gets paid to diffuse hot gas. Annoying. I'm sure he probably doesn't even know how to use Google--the nitwit.
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