I'm back from a weekend of protest that actually didn't end until noon today, when a group of us invaded the governor's office to present her with a stack of petitions signed by Washington state citizens who are requesting that she tell the federal government that we want our National Guard troops back home.
Saturday and Sunday I attended peace rallies and vigils, including a 1500-person march in Tacoma yesterday that started in a people's park directly across the street from where the draft board was housed back in the days of involuntarily servitude -- aka the days of military conscription.
It was electrifying to see so many different peace and justice groups coming together on all three days to demand an end to the illegal and immoral war in occupation of Iraq.
But we have a lot of work yet to do, so please keep on keeping on, show up for peace vigils, marches and demonstrations. Don't let the bastards grind you down, don't get discouraged, and don't get burnt out. That's what they are counting on -- don't let them have the satisfaction.
Here are a couple of photos I took at the Tacoma march:

Three Iraqi War vets marching at the front of the veterans contingent

Color Guard from Veterans for Peace #109
The Rachel Corrie Chapter
It gets hard sometimes to keep trudging on but I haven't given up.
Way to go! I was out of town and thus couldn't make it to any protests, but I applaud what you did.
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