Wednesday, June 21, 2006

19 Republicans Vote For Amnesty for Iraqi Murderers of Americans

Okay, that head is a little misleading. I used to work for a Republican newspaper, so sue me.

What they actually voted on was a "sense of congress" amendment that the government of Iraq should not grant amnesty to Iraqis and other local yokels who are known to have killed American soldiers.

In the large scheme of things, all of this "sense of congress" crap is basically meaningless, but you gotta ask yourself why 19 senators -- all of them Republicans -- voted "nay" on this bill. Including people that you would think ought to know better, like John "Falwell-Ass-Kisser" McCain and Nebraska's Vietnam vet senator, Chuck Hagel.

Read the full text of the amendment, and the full list of who voted for it -- and against it -- on the Americablog website, and then maybe you can tell me why these fuckers voted against it.