...then you really haven't been paying attention.

"Whattaya wanna do after the prom, Johnny?"
"Oh, baby, you know what I like..."
Why in the fuck does Hillary Clinton keep campaigning for Grampaw McCain? It seems as if every sound bite that comes out of her mouth not only gives Grampaw ammunition to use against Obama, but also against her.
What the fuck is going on here???
Why in the fuck does Hillary Clinton keep campaigning for Grampaw McCain?
Because that's what Republicans do for each other!! Anybody that calls The Bitch a Liberal, better be talking about the width of her fat ass!
Hey Farns, welcome back. I see it's been a couple of bad weeks for your boy Obama. The NAFTA snafu... Powers comes out and says she doubts that Obama will really remove the troops from Iraq as soon as he said he would (notice a pattern here?). Then Texas and Ohio... Then Powers speaks the truth and calls Hillary a monster and has to resign... Now everyone will be wondering what bribes Hillary will be using to steal all the super delegates. Oh well at least Hillary is hinting that she will allow Obama to be her VP.
"It seems as if every sound bite that comes out of her mouth not only gives Grampaw ammunition to use against Obama, but also against her."
The phone rings at 3 am. Who do you want answering the phone?
This commercial paid for by McCain for President.
check me homework, it's me last post
What John is thinking: "I want to cover your face with my beloved American Flag and fuck you for the glory."
Excuse my crudity.
...well...they do make a cute couple...
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