Tuesday, September 06, 2005

What the Fuck is Going on Here?

When three Duke University college students can drive into New Orleans, make it all the way to the Super Bowl, pick up survivors and ferry them out of the city, not once but twice, then something is way fucked up with the FEMA response to the tragedy in the City of New Orleans.

We've been told over and over again that no one could get into the city to pick up survivors. Bullshit bullshit bullshit bullshit bullshit bullshit bullshit bullshit bullshit.

Even fucking Faux News could get in, and they are the biggest pussies in the business. There is absolutely no goddamn excuse for the death and suffering in New Orleans.

Read the Duke University students' story on the Durham Herald Sun website and be prepared to get pissed off!!!

Who the fuck are these people in the evil Baby Doc Maladminstration who would allow this kind of thing to happen???? Who the fuck do they think they are???

I want a lot of resignations. I want a lot of firings. I want a goddamn impeachment of that uncaring unfeeling motherfucker at the top of this heap of stinking turdpiles.


Anonymous said...

Truely incredible story, brave Americans doing what it takes to get the job done!

I am with you, lots of heads gotta roll!

nolocontendere said...

Stories like these will bury the motherfuckers who set the stage for this disaster.

Anonymous said...

As if lying to the world about WMD and Democratizing Iraq as a cover for an oil grab was NOT impeachable, this certainly IS

FEMA Director Mike Brown was fired from a pussy organization like the American Arabian Horse Show Association for malmanagement....

But he was a contributor to George...

All Hail!!!

Neil Cameron (One Salient Oversight) said...


Sorry to hijack this comments thread to advertise my own work:

"Storm of ideologies follows Katrina" - an examination of how neoliberalism is losing its charm.


Farnsworth68 said...

Not at all a problem. I just went to your blog and while I do recommend people take a look at it, it's perhaps a bit too theoretical and a large bit too religious for my own angry non-believing secular humanist fist-shaking persona; nonetheless it is an appropriately-named and worthwhile contribution to the blogosphere.
Thank you for checking in.

Anonymous said...

Cindy Sheehan and the Vets for peace are going to New Orleans and setting up an aid camp so people can donate to them and they will get aid moving to people who need it instead of waiting for the Feds...