I'll be on vacation until October 8th. Come back then.
Where am I going? Las Vegas for the weekend -- I'm rereading Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas to get in the right mood -- and Los Angeles for a week after that. Here's hoping I win enough in Vegas to pay for the trip.
Yeah, right...
Thursday, September 27, 2007
Going Dark
Posted by Farnsworth68 at 3:26 PM 4 comments
Wednesday, September 26, 2007
Childrens Do Learn
Just not in Texas, apparently. The latest lapse from ordinary language was found yesterday when Baby Doc was giving a speech about, of all things, the value of education and the need for continuing No Child Left Behind (aka No School Left Standing).
"As yesterday’s positive report card shows, childrens do learn when standards are high and results are measured," the Giggling Murder Monkey said, without a perceptible trace that he even knew what he had done wrong.
Like I said before, Dan Quayle was a trial balloon, to see if the Moron-American Voting Bloc would accept a total imbecile in one of the top jobs in the world. Mister Potato(e) Head himself proved it, and now we are left to pick up the pieces of a maladministration headed by someone who isn't even fluent in English, let alone any other human language.
Jesus, what have we done to deserve this?
Posted by Farnsworth68 at 11:55 PM 3 comments
Dem Frontrunners Stumble on Iraq
I didn't actually watch the Dems debate in New Hampshire tonight, but I did read a wrap-up of it, and I am appalled that the three so-called "front runners" -- Clinton, Obama, Edwards -- refused to commit to bringing the troops home from Iraq. By 2013!!
As if I needed any more reasons to support Kucinich. Oh, and you wanna know the truth as to why they are so much ahead in the polls?
A friend of mine passed on this bit of wisdom: He was recently called on the phone to ask his presidential preference, Clinton, Obama or Edwards. He answered, "Kucinich."
Pregnant pause, and then the answer: "Who?"
Jesus, that's why he's so far down in the polls -- he isn't even on some of them!
So we've got the three top Dems going along with Baby Doc's war plans and the Dems in the House and Senate curling up like whipped dogs in the face of those mean Rethugs -- maybe it is time for a new party. I've just about had it with the Dems who, after all, ran on -- and were elected on -- an antiwar platform in 2006.
It's way past time to get out of Iraq, and maybe way past time to rely on the Democrats to do it for us.
Maybe it's time for a new political party that reflects our values. Which I believe are the true American values, not those perverted versions being trotted out by the likes of the top-of-the-crop presidential contenders and their lackeys in Congress.
Posted by Farnsworth68 at 11:25 PM 0 comments
Silent on Blackwater
Guess who's campaign for the presidency has remained strangely silent on Blackwater.
Give up? It's Mitt Romney's (R-Cultist).
No surprise there, given that Romney's chief advisor on counterterrorism and foreign affairs issues is none other than Cofer Black, vice-chairman of Blackwater USA.
Back in April the Romney had this to say about Black joining the campaign circus:
I am pleased to welcome Cofer Black to our campaign. He has a long and impressive career dedicated to making America safer and more secure in the world. Our country faces a new generation of challenges and Black’s experience at the forefront of our nation’s counterterrorism efforts will be a tremendous asset.A "tremendous asset", Romney says. Yeah, if running an out-of-control and completely unaccountable private army is an asset, then Black certainly brings that.
Come to think of it, Romney is a Rethug, so Black would be a tremendous asset. How about nominating him for Secretary of Defense?
Posted by Farnsworth68 at 8:20 AM 0 comments
Monday, September 24, 2007
Weekly "Bush Twins in Uniform" Watch
It has now been 1210 days since Jenna and Not-Jenna Bush, the slacker offspring of Preznit Numnutz, graduated from college and they are still not in the uniform of the US armed services.
Why? Because they have other priorities. They are too busy partying down in Georgetown, Argentina and god-knows-where-else to show their support for the war by enlisting their chickenhawk-child selves into the military service, that's why.
And it's not just The Twins: ONLY ONE member of the extended Bush family has seen fit to volunteer for military service. Check out the Buzzflash analysis of the chickenshit Bush/Cheney extended family and see for yourself. There's even a photo taken in 2000 of the extended Bush family, complete with a whole lot of young fresh faces who seem to be of an age now to be eligible to enlist.
Little Georgie Bush, the son of Jebbie, has just enlisted in the Naval Reserve. He's going into the Officer Training Program, preparing to be ... an intelligence officer. Okay, the obvious jokes aside, what are the chances he's ever going to see Iraq?
And I see in the news that little Jenna is engaged to a joker named Henry Hager. Wanna bet that he won't be wearing a uniform anytime soon? Like ever? Unlike both husbands of the daughters of Lyndon Johnson, both of whom went into the service and were sent to Vietnam.
Bush and Cheney were cowards during Vietnam who sent other men off to die in their place. Now the next generation is doing its part, sending their own peers off to die instead of them.
Why can't the Twins be more like their royal counterparts in the UK? The British Royal Family, unlike the Bush Crime Family, has a centuries-long tradition of honorable military service. Prince Andrew was a combat helicopter pilot in La Guerra de las Malvinas (aka the Falklands War) and Prince Harry, until the decision was made not to send him, was on his way to Iraq as a cavalry lieutenant. But even though he's not on his way to The Sandbox, he's still in uniform
Will the Bush Twins follow his example?
No, they will not. They are fucking cowards like their father and their Uncle Dick(less) Cheney.
Be sure to check out The Yellow Elephant blog, which asks the question "It's their war; why aren't they fighting it?"
BTW, the twins are also still not pregnant with their own Snowflake Babies. If they can't join the service, the least they could do would be to get themselves impregnated with a couple of blastocytes that would otherwise go into the garbage. Remember what Farnsworth always says: Baste 'em, don't waste 'em.
Posted by Farnsworth68 at 1:28 PM 0 comments
Sunday, September 23, 2007
Blame the Media
It was entirely predictable. When things go wrong, blame the media. After all, it worked with Vietnam, why not with Iraq?
A US top general, Rick Lynch, commander of the Third Infantry Division, says the war is "winnable" if only the media would cooperate.
If the media would "cooperate"? I guess he means that if the media became even more of a rooter for Der Monkey Fuehrer and the illegal occupation of Iraq, and ignore their public charge to bring truth to power.
The ridiculousness of Lynch's charge is shown in his list of media "hit-men" who are apparently out to sabotage the military: NBC, CNN and ... Faux News!
It's a sure sign of the bankruptcy of the Baby Doc Misadventure when the generals start blaming Faux News for things going wrong.
Now they are starting to eat their young.
Posted by Farnsworth68 at 10:22 AM 0 comments
Saturday, September 22, 2007
Jim Webb -- Major Disappointment?
As much as I like the guy, he's been a disappointment to me.
It's true that he deserved major kudos for the Webb Amendment, even though the Rethugs conspired to kill it.
But he's also cast a couple of troubling votes recently: First he sided with the fascists to prevent the return of habeas corpus, the cornerstone of individual rights in this country, and then he sided with them again in the meaningless vote to "censure" MoveOn.org for its full-page NY Times "Petraeus/Betray us" ad (and remember where you heard that first?).
The guy was a lifelong Republican himself, so maybe it shouldn't come as a surprise, but it does, and if he's now slowly repositioning himself, now that he's been elected as a Dem, back to the Right, then maybe we all made an error in supporting his candidacy and sending him money to get elected.
I sure as hell hope not. What I am hoping is that these votes were just a couple of cynical calculations designed to keep him in good with the local yokels in Virginia. Maybe, but he will bear watching.
Posted by Farnsworth68 at 12:27 PM 0 comments
"Mandela's Dead"
Those were two of the words of wisdom that spilled out the mouth of Baby Doc at his "news" conference a couple of days ago.
It must have come as a real surprise to the 89-year-old Nelson Mandela, who is still very much alive, and to his family who now, instead of planning a family reunion, will have to plan a funeral.
As if we needed another reminder that the giggling murder monkey is so out of touch with reality that a comatose Terry Shiavo was more aware than he seems to be.
Posted by Farnsworth68 at 12:14 PM 1 comments
Friday, September 21, 2007
Friday by the Numbers
Total American dead in the Iraq Illegal Occupation: 2500 2513 2532 2540 2546 2558 2571 2585 2597 2605 2619 2641 2710 2737 2758 2788 2809 2826 2865 2888 2906 2959 3006 3018 3025 3067 3087 3118 3132 3151 3166 3189 3210 3233 3245 3266 3299 3316 3337 3358 3387 3409 3444 3504 3519 3546 3577 3592 3611 3631 3683 3705 3725 3738 3760 3780 3795
Total coalition forces dead: 299
Total Iraqi Dead: 600,000+
Number of days since Baby Doc said he'd get Osama Bin Laden "dead or alive": 2195
Number of days since the illegal occupation of Iraq began: 1677
Number of days since "Mission Accomplished": 1577
Number of days between Pearl Harbor and the end of WWII: Only 1347
Number of days that the the Vice President has NOT shot a man in the face: 526
Number of days that the Bush Twins are still not pregnant with baste-'em-or-waste-'em Snowflake babies: 515.
It is still 486 days until the end of the BFEE Maladministration.
Posted by Farnsworth68 at 11:20 PM 0 comments
Thursday, September 20, 2007
It's STILL Clinton's Fault!
Over on my hometown newspaper's website, there's a lively discussion about my congressman, one Brian Baird, who is nominally a Democrat, but who has now shifted position on the war and is siding with the BFEE. It woudn't surprise me to find some bloodstained dollars from Halliburton, et al. in his reelection war chest.
But I digress. On that discussion page some poor ignorant readers are still trying to blame Bill Clinton for the attacks on 9/11. Take a look at it, and then take a look at the incisive analysis Clinton, 9/11 and the Facts over at Truthout.org.
It's appalling that people are still stumbling over themselves in their pathetic attempts to continue blaming Bill Clinton for everything that's gone wrong in the last six years. Sorry, people, get over it. Admit that you are complicit in the crimes of the BFEE as long as you continue to support that giggling murder monkey currently squatting in the White House.
Posted by Farnsworth68 at 10:02 AM 1 comments
More Supporting the Troops, Rethug Style
The Rethugs in the US Senate ganged up to hand the Webb Amendment back to the Dems without passage. In a bit of arcane procedural maneuvering, they managed to filibuster the issue and leave Webb, along with several Republicans who are also veterans and who supported the amendment, standing flat-footed.
Leaving aside the fact that the Dems seem to be unwilling to treat their counterparts across the aisle with the same disdain that they received from them when they were in charge, the saddest part was seeing aging and pathetic war horse John McCain side with the thugs who are refusing to grant our troops in the field a minimum time home before returning. Instead he's teamed up with lame-duck John Warner to offer up a "sense of the senate" resolution that would encourage the maladministration to do what the Webb law would have required. Without any teeth that could bite the BFEE on the ass if they didn't comply.
John McCain. It's sad in a way, watching the old fool doddering around and still nursing the idea -- which was remote at first and is now impossible -- that somehow he'll be the annointed one to carry their presidential banner next year.
Posted by Farnsworth68 at 12:44 AM 2 comments
Tuesday, September 18, 2007
Welcome to Police State
I'm sure that by now everyone has seen the videos (scroll down and watch the "long version") of University of Florida college student Andrew Meyer getting a close-range Taser treatment from the campus police when he had the temerity to ask John Kerry (D-Loser) a couple of questions.
Questions that those of us who put in long hours and hard cash in 2004, only to see our hopes dashed by Kerry's whipped-dog capitulation the morning after the election when he conceded Ohio want to ask. Ohio, by the way, was rife with voting "irregularities" that just happened by coincidence to fall the way of the Rethugs.
So this brash kid gets up and starts questioning Kerry about why he gave up, and when the cops close in on him, he starts asking about Kerry's membership in Skull and Bones -- the same secret society that Baby Doc belonged to when he was at Yale.
Okay, the kid was being a bit obnoxious, but isn't that what college students are supposed to be about? Questioning authority and being assholes about it?
Nevertheless, the campus police were all over this guy, and I can't tell, from the three different videos that I saw, why they felt they had to overreact this way. It's beyond me. At one point three cops are pinning him down at the back of the lecture hall and he can clearly be heard telling them that he "will walk out of here" if they get off of him. A second later they give him the close-order drill with the Taser and he can be heard screaming for five or six seconds after that.
And for what? A bunch of burly police officers are holding him down, and not a single one of them can get cuffs on the guy? What is wrong with the campus cops? Why would they do that, especially when they knew that at least four cameras were on them, and with the expansive growth in personal electronics, there were probably a hundred cell phones with video capabilities in the room?
Maybe Meyer thought he was at Florida State. He was wrong. It's Police State.
Posted by Farnsworth68 at 10:38 PM 4 comments
Monday, September 17, 2007
Weekly "Bush Twins in Uniform" Watch
It has now been 1203 days since Jenna and Not-Jenna Bush, the slacker offspring of Preznit Numnutz, graduated from college and they are still not in the uniform of the US armed services.
Why? Because they have other priorities. They are too busy partying down in Georgetown, Argentina and god-knows-where-else to show their support for the war by enlisting their chickenhawk-child selves into the military service, that's why.

And it's not just The Twins: ONLY ONE member of the extended Bush family has seen fit to volunteer for military service. Check out the Buzzflash analysis of the chickenshit Bush/Cheney extended family and see for yourself. There's even a photo taken in 2000 of the extended Bush family, complete with a whole lot of young fresh faces who seem to be of an age now to be eligible to enlist.
Little Georgie Bush, the son of Jebbie, has just enlisted in the Naval Reserve. He's going into the Officer Training Program, preparing to be ... an intelligence officer. Okay, the obvious jokes aside, what are the chances he's ever going to see Iraq?
And I see in the news that little Jenna is engaged to a joker named Henry Hager. Wanna bet that he won't be wearing a uniform anytime soon? Like ever? Unlike both husbands of the daughters of Lyndon Johnson, both of whom went into the service and were sent to Vietnam.
Bush and Cheney were cowards during Vietnam who sent other men off to die in their place. Now the next generation is doing its part, sending their own peers off to die instead of them.
Why can't the Twins be more like their royal counterparts in the UK? The British Royal Family, unlike the Bush Crime Family, has a centuries-long tradition of honorable military service. Prince Andrew was a combat helicopter pilot in La Guerra de las Malvinas (aka the Falklands War) and Prince Harry, until the decision was made not to send him, was on his way to Iraq as a cavalry lieutenant. But even though he's not on his way to The Sandbox, he's still in uniform
Will the Bush Twins follow his example?
No, they will not. They are fucking cowards like their father and their Uncle Dick(less) Cheney.
Be sure to check out The Yellow Elephant blog, which asks the question "It's their war; why aren't they fighting it?"
BTW, the twins are also still not pregnant with their own Snowflake Babies. If they can't join the service, the least they could do would be to get themselves impregnated with a couple of blastocytes that would otherwise go into the garbage. Remember what Farnsworth always says: Baste 'em, don't waste 'em.
Posted by Farnsworth68 at 12:13 PM 1 comments
Sunday, September 16, 2007
Descent into the Maelstrom
Being the author of a Vietnam War book of my own, I've always been a big fan of any and all Vietnam War fiction. Some of it is great, some of it ... ah, not so much. But one thing I've found is that there is precious little out there that deals with the aftermath of the war, specifically the phenomenon now known as Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. Even though the experience has haunted soldiers forever (consider the Iliad, with Achilles sulking in his tent -- that's as perfect a description of PTSD as any), whether it was called "soldier's heart" after the Civil War, "shell shock" ater WWI, or "combat fatigue" after WWII.
Now that dearth of fiction dealing with PTSD has been alleviated by the republication of Mike Venuto's terrifically readable novel, Flashback. What starts out seemingly as a standard post-war narrative by a Vietnam combat veteran slowly verges into paranoia and finally madness. Along the way we get, among other things, an incisive portrayal of a VA medical facility mired in bureaucratic quicksand and a description of a smoke-filled American Legion hall that is so right-on that you can feel the stickiness of the sloshed beer on the bar top.
This is a powerful statement on both the war itself and more importantly on its aftermath. It is especially timely now, given that we are getting many untreated PTSD Iraq War veterans returning home. This book should be required reading for anyone who has a coworker, friend or family member returning from the battles in the Middle East.
Posted by Farnsworth68 at 5:57 PM 2 comments
A Presidential Election "Reform" Act in CA?
Living on the Left Coast as I do, I always watch California politics with more than a casual interest, so it's with some alarm that I view a well-financed attempt to wrest some presidential election political power away from the Dems and give it to the Rethugs.
On the ballot in California's primary election next spring is the Orwellian-named Presidential Election Reform Act, which would end the winner-take-all selection of Electorial College electors (the law in most states), and substitute a congressional-district allocation, based on which candidate won that district.
On the whole, it's not really a bad idea, but it needs to be put into place nationwide at the same time, and we don't see those assholes on the right agitating for that, do we? Could it be that their safely "red" states all of a sudden wouldn't be so safely red if all those liberal votes in the urban districts actually counted for something?
But as it stands in California, it's nothing more than a backhanded attempt by wealthy Rethugs to get what they can't get using the usual process, and that's more electors for whoever the Rethug candidate turns out to be. Something like 22 districts carried Baby Doc in 2004, and if those numbers hold true for next year, in a close election those 22 electoral votes could make the difference in who is the ultimate winner.
The only problem with it is that it seems to be unconstitutional -- not that it matters in the long run, because that constitutional crisis decision would ultimately be decided by ... the US Supreme Court, which sadly is packed with Baby Doc appointees and others who are beholden to the BFEE. You don't have to look any farther back than the same Supreme Court that overrode Florida state laws and appointed their own fair-haired moron to the presidency.
So all of you who live in California -- and all of you who have friends and family who live there -- be alert to this travesty and work actively to defeat it.
That's the best course of action to take now, until we finally decide to get rid of the patently unfair Electoral College, once and for all.
Posted by Farnsworth68 at 4:32 PM 1 comments
It's Not Just Me
Last week I wrote about the troubling deaths of two of the authors of the scathing critique of Baby Doc's war, War as We Knew It.
In that blog post, I raised the "just asking" spectre that these deaths were not coincidental. Turns out I'm not the only one asking that question.
The mother of SGT Omar Mora, one of the authors who died in a vehicle accident, is also asking the same question.
So when are we going to get some answers. Never mind that the first answers will be standard military bullshit. When I was in Vietnam, one of my jobs was to compose condolence letters from our company commander to the families of our men who died, whether it was due to "hostile causes", or from "non-hostile causes", such as suicide, vehicle accidents, or being caught in the crossfire during an abortive MP raid on a Saigon whorehouse suspected of harboring Viet Cong infiltrators.
And I can tell you from my personal experience that those letters were maybe 20% truthful and 80% bullshit. But we justified it by saying that the families needed "closure" and needed to hear that their sons, husbands, etc., were "heroes".
So how about a congressional investigation into the "accident" that claimed the lives of Mora and SSG Yance Gray? The whole "letter to mom" thing doesn't seem to be cutting it any more, and Mrs. Mora needs the truth. Let's give it to her.
Posted by Farnsworth68 at 4:17 PM 0 comments
Friday, September 14, 2007
Baby Doc is Afraid of Ghosts
The disturbing news about the mental facilities of Prezdint Sweatsock just seems to keep coming at us.
Today I learned that Draper's new book about Der Monkey Fuehrer, Dead Certain (ironic title, that), contains a description of Baby Doc actually claiming to have seen a ghost, in the halls of the White House.
This was back when Papa Doc was Prez, and Baby was spending the night, for some unknown reason -- probably hiding out from creditors. He had allegedly long since quit the drinking, doping, whoring, etc., destructive behaviors, so we can't lay it on that.
Imagine that. Seeing ghosts. In the White House!
Someone needs to jack up his thorazine. Otherwise the ghosts of the 3780 dead Americans, slaughtered in the Quagmire in the Desert by the injudicious and irresponsible decision to go to war in Iraq, will come popping out of the paintings and rattling their M60 machine gun bandoliers like the ghost chains of ancient lore.
On the other hand, maybe that's a good idea. Let him see the true cost in human terms of the terribly destructive policies that have earned him -- not only now but in the judgment of history -- the title of Worst President Ever.
Maybe then he'll think twice about his overarching desires to bomb Iran and spread the destruction throughout the Middle East.
Posted by Farnsworth68 at 4:53 PM 1 comments
Friday by the Numbers
Total American dead in the Iraq Illegal Occupation: 2500 2513 2532 2540 2546 2558 2571 2585 2597 2605 2619 2641 2710 2737 2758 2788 2809 2826 2865 2888 2906 2959 3006 3018 3025 3067 3087 3118 3132 3151 3166 3189 3210 3233 3245 3266 3299 3316 3337 3358 3387 3409 3444 3504 3519 3546 3577 3592 3611 3631 3683 3705 3725 3738 3760 3780
Total coalition forces dead: 298
Total Iraqi Dead: 600,000+
Number of days since Baby Doc said he'd get Osama Bin Laden "dead or alive": 2188
Number of days since the illegal occupation of Iraq began: 1670
Number of days since "Mission Accomplished": 1570
Number of days between Pearl Harbor and the end of WWII: Only 1347
Number of days that the the Vice President has NOT shot a man in the face: 519
Number of days that the Bush Twins are still not pregnant with baste-'em-or-waste-'em Snowflake babies: 518.
It is still 493 days until the end of the BFEE Maladministration.
Posted by Farnsworth68 at 4:52 PM 1 comments
Thursday, September 13, 2007
Fact-Checking Der Monkey Fuehrer
Jeez, it didn't take very long, but Editor & Publisher already has a fact-check page, compiled by the Associated Press, of the litany of outright lies, misstatements and plain old spin in Baby Doc's speech.
For example:
BUSH SAID:The list goes on and on, in a sad and frightening reminder of just how out of touch with reality the president really is.
"Anbar province is a good example of how our strategy is working," Bush said, noting that just last year U.S. intelligence analysts had written off the Sunni area as "lost to al-Qaida."
Early Thursday, the most prominent figure in a U.S.-backed revolt of Sunni sheiks against al-Qaida in Iraq was killed by a bomb planted near his home.
The killing of a chief Anbar ally hours before Bush spoke showed the tenuous and changeable nature of success in Anbar and Iraq at large.
Which is why I am still supporting impeaching the whole sorry lot of them, before they stumble is into yet another war of Empire, this time against Iran.
Posted by Farnsworth68 at 10:56 PM 0 comments
War As We Saw It Authors Killed
Last month the NY Times published a well-written and incisive op-ed piece called "War as We Saw it" by seven NCOs from the 82nd Airborne. It was written by "boots on the ground" infantry soldiers who, presumably, were in a position to know what they were talking about:
The claim that we are increasingly in control of the battlefields in Iraq is an assessment arrived at through a flawed, American-centered framework. Yes, we are militarily superior, but our successes are offset by failures elsewhere. What soldiers call the "battle space" remains the same, with changes only at the margins. It is crowded with actors who do not fit neatly into boxes: Sunni extremists, Al Qaeda terrorists, Shiite militiamen, criminals and armed tribes. This situation is made more complex by the questionable loyalties and Janus-faced role of the Iraqi police and Iraqi Army, which have been trained and armed at United States taxpayers' expense.Predictably the right wing noise machine leaped on this like flies on shit, and criticised the soldiers for being "too close to the action" and not knowing what they were talking about.. . .In the end, we need to recognize that our presence may have released Iraqis from the grip of a tyrant, but that it has also robbed them of their self-respect. They will soon realize that the best way to regain dignity is to call us what we are - an army of occupation - and force our withdrawal.
And now, buried somewhere in the MSM, comes the news that two of the soldiers who wrote this piece have been killed in Iraq.
SGT Omar Mora and SSG Yance Gray died this week in a vehicle accident.
Vehicle accident? As much as I don't what to believe it, could this be another "friendly fire" incident, designed to stifle dissent and serve as a warning to others to keep their fucking mouths shut if they can't "support" the president?
I'm just asking.
And I'm also asking why the MSM is refusing to cover this story. Do a Google News search and you'll find precious little in the way of coverage, and once again it's the foreign media who seem to be covering it, and by and large not the SCLM in this country.
Could it be that they don't want to cover what they didn't want to cover last month, and that is the sad fact that after they steadily beat the drums of war leading up to the illegal invasion and occupation of a country that had not attacked us on 9-11, the uncomfortable truth that American soldiers are dying in that quagmire in the sand is too much to bear? So they hide their heads in the sand and ignore the tragic reality on the ground -- the soldiers themselves are questioning the whole sorry misadventure, dreamed up by Dickless Cheney and Baby Doc Bush.
Posted by Farnsworth68 at 8:11 AM 1 comments
Monday, September 10, 2007
Weekly "Bush Twins in Uniform" Watch
It has now been 1196 days since Jenna and Not-Jenna Bush, the slacker offspring of Preznit Numnutz, graduated from college and they are still not in the uniform of the US armed services.
Why? Because they have other priorities. They are too busy partying down in Georgetown, Argentina and god-knows-where-else to show their support for the war by enlisting their chickenhawk-child selves into the military service, that's why.
And it's not just The Twins: ONLY ONE member of the extended Bush family has seen fit to volunteer for military service. Check out the Buzzflash analysis of the chickenshit Bush/Cheney extended family and see for yourself. There's even a photo taken in 2000 of the extended Bush family, complete with a whole lot of young fresh faces who seem to be of an age now to be eligible to enlist.
Little Georgie Bush, the son of Jebbie, has just enlisted in the Naval Reserve. He's going into the Officer Training Program, preparing to be ... an intelligence officer. Okay, the obvious jokes aside, what are the chances he's ever going to see Iraq?
And I see in the news that little Jenna is engaged to a joker named Henry Hager. Wanna bet that he won't be wearing a uniform anytime soon? Like ever? Unlike both husbands of the daughters of Lyndon Johnson, both of whom went into the service and were sent to Vietnam.
Bush and Cheney were cowards during Vietnam who sent other men off to die in their place. Now the next generation is doing its part, sending their own peers off to die instead of them.
Why can't the Twins be more like their royal counterparts in the UK? The British Royal Family, unlike the Bush Crime Family, has a centuries-long tradition of honorable military service. Prince Andrew was a combat helicopter pilot in La Guerra de las Malvinas (aka the Falkslands War) and Prince Harry, until the decision was made not to send him, was on his way to Iraq as a cavalry lieutenant. But even though he's not on his way to The Sandbox, he's still in uniform
Will the Bush Twins follow his example?
No, they will not. They are fucking cowards like their father and their Uncle Dick(less) Cheney.
Be sure to check out The Yellow Elephant blog, which asks the question "It's their war; why aren't they fighting it?"
BTW, the twins are also still not pregnant with their own Snowflake Babies. If they can't join the service, the least they could do would be to get themselves impregnated with a couple of blastocytes that would otherwise go into the garbage. Remember what Farnsworth always says: Baste 'em, don't waste 'em.
Posted by Farnsworth68 at 7:51 PM 0 comments
Friday, September 07, 2007
Osama Spin Laden
Jeez, does it get any more convoluted than this?
When the new Osama video started hitting the Internets, a stark reminder that he's still with us, over two thousand days after The Smirking Chimp swore he'd get him, "dead or alive", what does Der Monkey Fuehrer do with this bit of video political theater?
He says that it's "a reminder of the dangerous world in which we live"...
Yeah, dangerous it is, Monkey Boy, because you didn't follow through on that empty Texas windbag threat six years ago. Osama is still out there, and from what I could see on that sketchy video, he's tanned, fit, rested and ready. With even a brand new cheesy-looking dye job on that funny-looking beard of his.
You'd think that at some point the Shrub and the rest of the BFEE would actually get embarrassed that Osama hasn't been found. But no, they just use the video as a new source for "stay the course" spin on an old and tragic dilemma.
Jeep Wrangler for the last two years.
I made it myself at Makestickers.com
Posted by Farnsworth68 at 11:46 PM 7 comments
Friday by the Numbers
Total American dead in the Iraq Illegal Occupation: 2500 2513 2532 2540 2546 2558 2571 2585 2597 2605 2619 2641 2710 2737 2758 2788 2809 2826 2865 2888 2906 2959 3006 3018 3025 3067 3087 3118 3132 3151 3166 3189 3210 3233 3245 3266 3299 3316 3337 3358 3387 3409 3444 3504 3519 3546 3577 3592 3611 3631 3683 3705 3725 3738 3760
Total coalition forces dead: 298
Total Iraqi Dead: 600,000+
Number of days since Baby Doc said he'd get Osama Bin Laden "dead or alive": 2181
Number of days since the illegal occupation of Iraq began: 1683
Number of days since "Mission Accomplished": 1583
Number of days between Pearl Harbor and the end of WWII: Only 1347
Number of days that the the Vice President has NOT shot a man in the face: 512
Number of days that the Bush Twins are still not pregnant with baste-'em-or-waste-'em Snowflake babies: 511.
It is still 500 days until the end of the BFEE Maladministration.
Posted by Farnsworth68 at 2:03 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, September 05, 2007
You Gotta Be Kidding Me
Yep, it appears to be true that our old buddy Larry Craig (R-Closeted Gay) is starting to get some cold feet over the whole thing. Now he wants to recant his guilty plea to the misdemeanor charge and fight the whole arrest thing, presumably because he was "entrapped".
Okay, Larry, you go right ahead. The longer you stay in the Senate, the longer you'll be poster boy for Republican sexual hypocrisy, and the longer we'll be able to point to you and say, "This is what you are getting when you vote for Republicans."
Go for it, Larry. It's not really like the Rethug Party can actually do anything to you if you don't resign. As much as they'd like you to, what are they gonna do, have you removed bodily from the Senate Chambers?
No, they'll piss and moan about it, but in the end, when you are found guilty in a court of law, after your trial that will take up lots of space in the MSM, you'll still be hanging around, being an embarrassment to a party that is hanging by a thread as it is.
Go, Larry, go!
Posted by Farnsworth68 at 1:10 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, September 04, 2007
Replenishing the "Ol' Coffers"
It's shocking, ugly and disgusting, but in a new book entitled Dead Certain by Robert Draper, Baby Doc is quoted as saying that, after he's no longer president:
I'll give some speeches, just to replenish the ol' coffers ... I don't know what my dad gets -- it’s more than 50-75 [thousand dollars a speech] ... Clinton’s making a lot of money ... I've got God's shoulder to cry on, and I cry a lot.Jesus, so do we, Mister Prezdint, so do we.
So is it just me, or does it appear to be more than a little ... unseemly ... for the Leader of the Free world to come off as being so crass, so moneygrubbing, piloting the BFEE ship of aggravated wealth on the backs of the dead soldiers he's sent to die in an illegal, unwanted and unwarranted war? What about the families of the dead and broken Americans, who I am sure would like to have something warmer than these cold, hard cash calculations from someone who already has a net worth of something to the tune of 20 million dollars?
Like I say, it's disgusting. And, in a just world, Der Monkey Fuehrer would have a hard time delivering those expensive speeches in prison-orange overalls at The Hague while he's shackled at the bar of justice for his war crimes.
Okay, I can dream, can't I?
Oh, and one more thing: As of today, there are only a handful of news stories that mention the "ol' coffers", and most of them are from out of the country. Why is that?
Posted by Farnsworth68 at 3:28 PM 3 comments
Monday, September 03, 2007
Labor Day 2007
Today is the official day set aside to honor and celebrate the labor movement in this country. And we find it in a state of disarray.
I was a union member for most of my working career, from the Retail Clerks to the Laborer's International to the International Woodworkers Union to the Electrical Workers to the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees, even when membership was not a requirement, and I never resented for one minute the union dues that I paid all those years.
If you enjoy your weekend off, your rate of pay, your working conditions, the protections provided you by your government, then thank the Labor Movement, because it was due to the hard work, the activism, the sacrifices, and yes, even the deaths of union members that made all of those things possible.
Unfortunately we've now had a series of presidents who have, in turn, treated the union movement with hostility (Reagan, Bush 1), benign neglect (Clinton), and open warfare (Bush 2). These guys, aided and abetted by the rightwing noise machine and its lackeys not only at Faux News but also in the MSM/SCLM, have tried -- succesfully in many cases -- to make the American union movement a minor irritant, reduced to nipping at the heels of the oligarchical pigs who now seem to be in complete charge of the economy.
David Podvin over at Makethemaccountable.com has an interesting think-piece on Labor Day that's worth reading, wherein he takes to task both the Democratic and the Rethug parties for their lackluster support for organized labor.
And he's basically right in many respects. The Dem frontrunners Clinton and Obama make the all of the appropriate pro-labor noises, but with Clinton leaping around from center to right to center to far right like a jumping bean on a hot skillet, Obama's unconsionable support for the Orwellian-named Bakruptcy Reform Bill, and the whole Democratic party's apparent refusal to roll back the obscene tax cuts for the über-wealthy, it's hard to see the real support for labor in nearly any of them.
But Podvin ignores the one Democratic candidate who has, by his record, consistently been a friend to organized labor and the working class in this country: Dennis Kucinich.
It's our country -- let's take it back. Support Dennis Kucinich, and support only those candidates who support you, your ideals and your values. All politics is local, so if your own representative does not support these things, look for a candidate who does and throw the bastards out. Not until we do this will we have the kind of country that our Founding Fathers envisioned.
Posted by Farnsworth68 at 11:08 AM 3 comments
Weekly "Bush Twins in Uniform" Watch
It has now been 1189 days since Jenna and Not-Jenna Bush, the slacker offspring of Preznit Numnutz, graduated from college and they are still not in the uniform of the US armed services.
Why? Because they have other priorities. They are too busy partying down in Georgetown, Argentina and god-knows-where-else to show their support for the war by enlisting their chickenhawk-child selves into the military service, that's why.
And it's not just The Twins: ONLY ONE member of the extended Bush family has seen fit to volunteer for military service. Check out the Buzzflash analysis of the chickenshit Bush/Cheney extended family and see for yourself. There's even a photo taken in 2000 of the extended Bush family, complete with a whole lot of young fresh faces who seem to be of an age now to be eligible to enlist.
Little Georgie Bush, the son of Jebbie, has just enlisted in the Naval Reserve. He's going into the Officer Training Program, preparing to be ... an intelligence officer. Okay, the obvious jokes aside, what are the chances he's ever going to see Iraq?
And I see in the news that little Jenna is engaged to a joker named Henry Hager. Wanna bet that he won't be wearing a uniform anytime soon? Like ever? Unlike both husbands of the daughters of Lyndon Johnson, both of whom went into the service and were sent to Vietnam.
Bush and Cheney were cowards during Vietnam who sent other men off to die in their place. Now the next generation is doing its part, sending their own peers off to die instead of them.
Why can't the Twins be more like their royal counterparts in the UK? The British Royal Family, unlike the Bush Crime Family, has a centuries-long tradition of honorable military service. Prince Andrew was a combat helicopter pilot in La Guerra de las Malvinas (aka the Falkslands War) and Prince Harry, until the decision was made not to send him, was on his way to Iraq as a cavalry lieutenant. But even though he's not on his way to The Sandbox, he's still in uniform
Will the Bush Twins follow his example?
No, they will not. They are fucking cowards like their father and their Uncle Dick(less) Cheney.
Be sure to check out The Yellow Elephant blog, which asks the question "It's their war; why aren't they fighting it?"
BTW, the twins are also still not pregnant with their own Snowflake Babies. If they can't join the service, the least they could do would be to get themselves impregnated with a couple of blastocytes that would otherwise go into the garbage. Remember what Farnsworth always says: Baste 'em, don't waste 'em.
Posted by Farnsworth68 at 10:37 AM 0 comments
Saturday, September 01, 2007
The Surreal World of Tom Coburn
This is beyond bizarre. Okie from Muskogee and fringe-firing gun-nut Senator Tom Coburn (R-NRA) is blocking a measure that passed unanimously in the House and was sent to the Senate that would mandate suicide screening for all returning vets.
Today's combat veterans have a suicide rate that is double what it is for their peers who stayed home, and everyone agrees that they need help and they need it now.
Everyone except Tom Coburn. And wait till you hear his reason:
He's afraid that the returning vets will be unable to purchase ... handguns!
It boggles the mind. Even if it were true -- which is far from obvious -- don't you think that a person who is prone to committing suicide might benefit from a reduced ability to get his or her hands on a pistol?
Even the fucking NRA -- who has backed Coburn with campaign contributions, naturally -- ought to back off on this one. All it would take would be a phone call to their lackey in the Senate and he'd back down.
What makes this even more disgusting, if that's possible, is that Coburn is a fucking doctor! A doctor who apparently has forgotten the Hippocratic Oath that he swore to when he became a doctor: "I will apply, for the benefit of the sick, all measures that are required ... I will prevent disease whenever I can, for prevention is preferable to cure." And don't forget the Primum non nocere, a precept that is also taught in all medical schools: First do no harm.
Doesn't really sound to me like Old Doctor Tom is on the same page with his colleagues, does it. Except for that notorious expert in video diagnosis, Bill Frist (R-Asshole). At least he's gone from the senate and unable to inflict his medical malpractice long distance on poor victims like Terry Schiavo. Doctor Tom is still around and making trouble.
Here's hoping that his fellow senators will call him into the cloakroom for some percussive persuasion and change his mind about this travesty.
Posted by Farnsworth68 at 6:37 PM 0 comments