I originally had posted a "Shut the Fuck Up" post here about Kerry and his screwed up joke about students and Iraq.
I've had second thoughts and decided that I was a little ... abrupt... in condemning the senator for his remarks.
I still don't like him very much, and I'm still steamed about him not fighting back against the Swifties and for rolling over in Ohio, but I'm not going to let that cloud my judgment.
At least he's giving it -- and dishing it out hard -- to the Rethugs, and that's nothing but good.
So (as my wife will attest) as much as I don't like to do it, I'm saying "I take it back".
Tuesday, October 31, 2006
The Self-Correcting Blogosphere
Posted by Farnsworth68 at 6:13 PM 6 comments
Monday, October 30, 2006
From Our "Pot Calls Kettle Black" Department
Prezdint Numbnutz today stated that the Democrats "lack a plan to win" in Iraq.
So, Baby Doc, how's that plan of yours working out? The 100th US serviceman to die in October checked out earlier today, and that total will assuredly go even higher before the month is officially over.
That's Bushco "stay the course" philosophy at work. Even though Tony Snowjob claimed that Baby Doc said it "only" eight times. Too bad the White House isn't capable of doing its own Google search, since Keith Olberman came up with nearly 30 instances -- and showed all of them -- of the little fucker chanting Stay the Course, Stay the Course.
Not that any of the fuckers in the Baby Doc Maladminstration can even articulate what "winning" in Iraq would look like.
Here's a hint: It's not going to be pretty, what with over 14 thousand of sophisticated weapons missing and unlikely to be recovered. "Winning" will like consist of slinking out under cover of darkness, abandoning a ruined country to a vicious religious war.
Posted by Farnsworth68 at 4:22 PM 2 comments
Global Warming: Suddenly it's Sexy Again
And all it took was a sobering look at the economic consequences. Nothing shakes up the powerful interests like a potential loss of profits. And our cousins across the pond in the UK are starting to beat the drums.
Jesus, it only took, what, 30+ years of the environmental movement's harping about it for it suddenly to catch on? And now only because of the sacred and almighty bottom line.
It's hard to imagine a more short-sighted and selfish bunch of louts that the captains of industry in this country -- and in most of the rest of the world, sadly -- but here's hoping that even they will get that sudden flash of inspiration, stop looking just at the Long Green, and start considering the Real Green.
And here's hoping that it's not too late.
Posted by Farnsworth68 at 4:21 PM 1 comments
Weekly "Bush Twins in Uniform" Watch
It has now been 888 days since Jenna and Not-Jenna Bush, the slacker offspring of Preznit Numnutz, graduated from college and they are still not in the uniform of the US armed services.
Why? Because they have other priorities. They are too busy partying down in Georgetown to show their support for the war by enlisting their chickenhawk-child selves into the military service, that's why.
Why can't they be like their royal counterparts in the UK? The Royal Family, unlike the Bush Crime Family, has a centuries-long tradition of honorable military service. Prince Andrew was a combat helicopter pilot in La Guerre de las Malvinas (aka the Falklands War), Prince William, direct heir to the throne, has entered Sandhurst (Britain's West Point), and little brother Prince Harry graduated from Sandhurst in April and could be on his way to Iraq as a cavalry lieutenant.
The son of Senator John McCain has enlisted in the US Marine Corps. That means that as soon as he's done with his training, he's going to be on his way to The Sandbox. Now there's a role model right in their own political party for Jenna and Not-Jenna. Will they follow him?
Be sure to check out The Yellow Elephant blog, which asks the question "It's their war; why aren't they fighting it?"
BTW, they are also still not pregnant with their own Snowflake Babies. If they can't join the service, the least they could do would be to get themselves impregnated with a couple of blastocytes that would otherwise go into the garbage. Remember what Farnsworth always says: Baste 'em, don't waste 'em.
Posted by Farnsworth68 at 6:50 AM 1 comments
Friday, October 27, 2006
The No-Brainer
So who the fuck is Scott Hennen? He's got a mini-watt AM morning show in tiny Fargo, ND (where I am sure he is no competition for Fargo's liberal mouthpiece, Big Eddie Schultz), with the uncanny ability to get some big-name rethugs on his show. Probably because he's such a sycophantic rightwing suckass.
So I guess it's not all that unusual for someone like Crashcart Cheney to appear on Hennen's show. But when Cheney said that water torture was a "no brainer", it suddenly became international news.
So what does the White House do? It says Cheney didn't say it. And, sure enough, he didn't actually use the terms "water torture" or "waterboarding" -- instead he and Hennen were talking about a little "dunk in water". Now there's the classic distinction without a difference.
Read the official transcript and see for yourself whether he's advocating torture or advocating a gentle and humane interrogation technique designed to facilitate further dialogue.
What I'd like to see is Cheney being gently and humanely interrogated using a little "dunk in water" as a technique to facilitate some dialogue. Then I think we'd see our Vice-President-for-Torture singing a different tune.
Posted by Farnsworth68 at 4:18 PM 3 comments
Friday by the Numbers
Total American dead in the Iraq Illegal Occupation: 2500 2513 2532 2540 2546 2558 2571 2585 2597 2605 2619 2641 2710 2737 2758 2788 2809
Total coalition forces dead: 238
Total Iraqi Dead: 600,000+
Number of days since Baby Doc said he'd get Osama Bin Laden "dead or alive": 1872
Number of days since the illegal occupation of Iraq began: 1320
Number of days since "Mission Accomplished": 1282
Number of days between Pearl Harbor and the end of WWII: Only 1347
Number of days that the the Vice President has NOT shot a man in the face: 255
Number of days that the Bush Twins are still not pregnant with baste-'em-or-waste-'em Snowflake babies: 101.
It is still 836 days until the end of the BFEE Maladministration -- unless we impeach the whole sorry lot of the corrupt and criminal bastards.
Vote Democratic in November!
Posted by Farnsworth68 at 6:19 AM 1 comments
Thursday, October 26, 2006
The Border Fence
Talk about your ill-concieved ill-thought-out ideas. This article from the Ft Worth Star Telegram puts it all into perspective.
Ranchers, farmers and businessmen all along the Rio Grande River that forms the border between Mexico and Texas are upset about the fence. And with good reason. They are afraid that the fence will keep them away from the life-giving water of the river, and will keep out the Mexican citizens who currently cross the border to spend money in the local communities. And then return home, BTW.
But it's an election year, and the good ole boys in Congress get to go home and pretend they are doing something about illegal immigration.
Any schoolboy could have told you that a 700 mile fence on a 2,000 mile border would be a joke anyway. If you go for a walk in the woods and you come to a log in your way, what do you do?
Right. You go over it if you can, or you go around it if you can't. It ain't rocket surgery.
Posted by Farnsworth68 at 4:41 PM 3 comments
More on the Fox Fakery
It's funny watching all the wingnut media types fall all over themselves to support their hero, the Florida Windbag, when he attacked Michael J. Fox as "faking" his illness.
Michael Reagan started yapping about Fox "politicizing" the issue, and when nominal liberal Colmes called him on it, pointing out that his own stepmother, Nancy, was quick to support stem cell research when the Gipper came down with the Big A, good old Mikey snapped back that she was wrong, she was "exploited" by the opposition, as was his own brother, Ron Jr.
Jesus, the lengths these fuckers won't go to. Check out the News Hounds story on the Hannity and Colmes show that featured this repartee.
Posted by Farnsworth68 at 4:39 PM 1 comments
What Happens to Has-Beens
Who could have predicted that an election in middle-American Missouri could generate this kind of heat? But Amendment 2 concerning stem cell research is getting some serious national play.
Following the Michael J. Fox commercial, Emmy-whining washed-up television actress Patricia Heaton has made a commercial for the other side. She happens to belong to an Orwellian-named organization called Feminists for Life, whose motto is "Refuse to Choose" -- whatever the fuck that's supposed to mean.
Anyway, she's joined a coterie of other quasi-celebrity wingnuts, including that blood-dripping guy from the Mel Gibson Christ movie and some sports stars to make a commercial for the other side in the flaming debate over Missouri's Amendment 2, which would legalize -- in a very specifically limited way -- so-called embryonic stem cell research.
But you can bet that if Heaton, Jesus or any of those self-important sports guys suddenly came down with a disease that could be helped by that stem cell research, their "deeply held moral conviction" would vanish faster than a cheeseburger in front of Denny Hastert.
Posted by Farnsworth68 at 4:38 PM 4 comments
Wednesday, October 25, 2006
Just When You Think You've Heard it All...
It just keeps getting better and better.
Now the bloviating windbag Rush "Oxy from Miami" Limbaugh is accusing Michael J. Fox, who is suffering from Parkinsons Disease, of "faking it" with all that shimmying and shaking around.
He might as well have said that Fox could get a job at the local paint store or the neighborhood Starbucks...
Jesus, what the fuck is it with these rightwing blowhards? I suppose if a quadruple amputee with Altzheimer's and terminal diabetes came out in favor of embyronic stem cell research, Fatboy would mock him/her. Faking it. Not REALLY sick.
It is probably too much to hope for from a universe that is random, but a Just Karma would provide that Rush and his allies in the wingnuttery would be stricken with some disease that could be cured only using embryonic stem cell research...
I propose that anyone who so vocally, so vehemently opposes stem cell research be forever banned from receiving any and all benefit that may result from that research.
I also propose that each and every one of the blowhards on the right who are SO fucking morally opposed to this research sign a disclaimer that if their lives are at stake they categorically refuse any treatment or cure that is based on embryonic stem cell research.
How many takers are we going to see? I'm betting NONE.
Posted by Farnsworth68 at 3:55 PM 7 comments
Tuesday, October 24, 2006
Playing the Race Card in Tennessee
The Rethugs wonder out loud why Baby Doc's ratings among African-Americans is hovering around 2% (and that's with a margin of error of plus-or-minus 4%!). Well, maybe the new party campaign ads swarming the airwaves in Tennessee are an indicator.
US Rep Harold Ford, a Democrat who also happens to be black, is making a run for the US Senate in Tennessee. If elected, he would be the first African-American senator from the south since Reconstruction. Which is to say, the first elected African-American senator from the south.
So what does the Rethug party do about this unfortunate turn of events? It comes up with a series of ads featuring nubile young white women hinting all over the place that they want to have hot interracial sex with Ford.
Well, we all just cain't have thet kinda shit. Tennessee is, after all, the birthplace of the Ku Klux Klan and no self-respectin' southern man is gonna let hisself be misrepresented by one o' them nigra boys, 'specially one who would choose to sully -- sully Ah say! -- the fair blossom of southern womanhood...
It would be to the credit of Ford's opponent, Bob Corker, that he's taken steps to distance himself from the ads, except can you name any southern politician who would actually come out and admit that he was a racist who hates black people? Not even David Duke would do that.
So this is one of those races to watch next month. And watch how desperate the power-hungry Rethugs get between now and election day.
Posted by Farnsworth68 at 3:49 PM 1 comments
Monday, October 23, 2006
Falling on His Sword
A senior US diplomat, one Alberto Ferndandez, who happens to be fluent in Arabic, made a statement on Al Jazeera television that US foreign policy in Iraq displayed "arrogance" and "stupidity".
Now he's had to take it all back and apologize. Looks like his overlords at the State Department made him feel the sting of the lash, and he had to trot out a quasi-apology.
Fernandez says now that he "seriously misspoke" when he used the phrase containing the "a" word and the "s" word.
That kind of reminds me of the good ole Nixon days, when he trotted his press secretary, Ron Ziegler, out to say that a previous statement was "inoperative"...
I can just imagine the outrage at State when they learned that one of their own spoke his own mind and told the truth. And Fernandez undoubtedly still wants to keep his career, which is why he had to fall on his sword.
But that apology isn't really fooling anyone, is it?
Posted by Farnsworth68 at 6:41 PM 1 comments
Weekly "Bush Twins in Uniform" Watch
It has now been 881 days since Jenna and Not-Jenna Bush, the slacker offspring of Preznit Numnutz, graduated from college and they are still not in the uniform of the US armed services.
Why? Because they have other priorities. They are too busy partying down in Georgetown to show their support for the war by enlisting their chickenhawk-child selves into the military service, that's why.
Why can't they be like their royal counterparts in the UK? The Royal Family, unlike the Bush Crime Family, has a centuries-long tradition of honorable military service. Prince Andrew was a combat helicopter pilot in La Guerre de las Malvinas (aka the Falklands War), Prince William, direct heir to the throne, has entered Sandhurst (Britain's West Point), and little brother Prince Harry graduated from Sandhurst in April and could be on his way to Iraq as a cavalry lieutenant.
The son of Senator John McCain has enlisted in the US Marine Corps. That means that as soon as he's done with his training, he's going to be on his way to The Sandbox. Now there's a role model right in their own political party for Jenna and Not-Jenna. Will they follow him?
Be sure to check out The Yellow Elephant blog, which asks the question "It's their war; why aren't they fighting it?"
BTW, they are also still not pregnant with their own Snowflake Babies. If they can't join the service, the least they could do would be to get themselves impregnated with a couple of blastocytes that would otherwise go into the garbage. Remember what Farnsworth always says: Baste 'em, don't waste 'em.
Posted by Farnsworth68 at 6:43 AM 0 comments
Friday, October 20, 2006
Friday by the Numbers
Total American dead in the Iraq Illegal Occupation: 2500 2513 2532 2540 2546 2558 2571 2585 2597 2605 2619 2641 2710 2737 2758 2788
Total coalition forces dead: 237
Total Iraqi Dead: 600,000+
Number of days since Baby Doc said he'd get Osama Bin Laden "dead or alive": 1865
Number of days since the illegal occupation of Iraq began: 1313
Number of days since "Mission Accomplished": 1275
Number of days between Pearl Harbor and the end of WWII: Only 1347
Number of days that the the Vice President has NOT shot a man in the face: 248
Number of days that the Bush Twins are still not pregnant with baste-'em-or-waste-'em Snowflake babies: 94.
It is still 843 days until the end of the BFEE Maladministration -- unless we impeach the whole sorry lot of the corrupt and criminal bastards.
Vote Democratic in November!
Posted by Farnsworth68 at 4:40 PM 1 comments
Thursday, October 19, 2006
Parallels to Vietnam? Say it Ain't So...
In an interview with George Stephanopoulos, Baby Doc finally admitted -- grudgingly -- that there might be some parallels between Iraq and Vietnam.
And, in what has to be the most incisive foreign policy analysis so far this century, Baby Doc is quoted as saying:
My gut tells me that they have all along been trying to inflict enough damage that we'd leave... And the leaders of al-Qaeda have made that very clear. They believe that if they can create enough chaos, the American people will grow sick and tired of the Iraqi effort and will cause [the] government to withdraw.Gee, ya think?
Little late to the party, there, Georgie? Haven't a whole bunch of us who actually were in Vietnam been saying this all along? Didn't all of your cabinet members and advisors who were in Vietnam warn you about ... uh... never mind.
Plus, I'm growing weary of harping on this all the time, but this Google News Search reveals once more that the vast majority of the news media reporting on this story are outside of the United States.
Posted by Farnsworth68 at 3:51 PM 1 comments
"Spitting on Veterans" -- It Just Won't Go Away
I've blogged before in this space on the whole bogus spitting-on-Vietnam-veterans meme and what a pussy it makes of those Vietnam vets who have, over the years, convinced themselves of the truth of these incidents, when in fact there are absolutely zero contemporary accounts of it actually happening.
But it's one of those things, like so many other Urban Legends, that just won't die. The lead paragraph of this recent story out of Tyler, Texas, is another example of it.
I don't know if these three vets actually said that to the reporter or if she took it on herself to toss it in because it would jazz up a story about a vandalized Vietnam veterans memorial, but either way it's an insult. I'd like it to die, but I guess that's too much to hope for.
Sadly, two hundred years from now (assuming we last that long as a species -- a doubtful proposition) that will still be one of the factoids about the Vietnam War that people "know".
Posted by Farnsworth68 at 3:50 PM 1 comments
Wednesday, October 18, 2006
The Last Throes are the Worst Throes
Hard to believe that we've been in the "last throes" of the insurgency in Iraq since 2004. Time flies when you're having fun.
Eleven US servicemen were killed yesterday! That makes 70 deaths just this month. We're now on track to have the worst month for deaths since January 2005.
And that's against a backgound of sectarian violence that in September alone has killed 2600 Iraqis.
And yet Darth Cheney said just yesterday on the Rush "Oxycontin Cowboy" Limbaugh show that things are going well in Iraq! I wonder what it would take for him to say things weren't going well? A nuclear explosion in the Green Zone? A total meltdown of the oil-rich desert into a huge asphalt parking lot? A Roman candle up his ass?
How can these fuckers keep this up? How can they just keep lying to us with a straight face? And how can so many people continue to believe those lies?
It boggles the mind. It really does.
Posted by Farnsworth68 at 4:11 PM 6 comments
Tuesday, October 17, 2006
Obituary -- US Constitution 1789-2006
Today the US Constitution was officially declared dead, with the signing of the death certificate by attending physician George W. "Baby Doc" Bush.
The Constitution's health had been in jeopardy since late 2000 when it suffered a debilitating stroke; it had remained on life supports for the several ensuing years.
In 2004 and again in early 2006 it staged what appeared to be a rally, only to slip back into a coma. Finally, in September 2006, radical surgery removed a number of moribund parts of the Bill of Rights, deemed malignant growths by the surgeons in the US Senate and Doctor Bush.
The operation was a success but unfortunately the patient died.
The Constitution is survived by a distant relative, the Magna Carta, still living in Great Britain, and its bastard offspring, American Fascism.
Posted by Farnsworth68 at 5:02 PM 1 comments
Another Rethug Congressman in the Crosshairs
From our "never rains but it pours" department, US Rep Curt Weldon (R-Corrupt) is the subject of an FBI probe of possible influence peddling, using his own daughter.
So what does Faux News lead with? Weldon's concern about the "timing" of the FBI raid, this close to the election.
As if the Democrats could control it. As if the Justice Department isn't headed by one Alberto "Torquemada" Gonzales, consigliere to the BFEE, who is perfectly capable of stalling any FBI investigation -- and especially an FBI raid -- until after the election.
So who did order the raid, and why was it this close to the election? Is Weldon being thrown overboard by the Rethugs? Or is it that the tide has finally shifted to the point that they can do nothing to stem it?
Jesus, if the Democrats aren't careful, even they won't be able to fuck this one up and lose again.
Posted by Farnsworth68 at 4:58 PM 0 comments
Longest Undefended Border? No more.
It used to be a matter of pride for the US and Canada, bragging rights on having the longest undefended border in the world.
Now that's history. US Army Blackhawk helicopters are doing armed patrols of the border between Montana and Alberta. Unmanned drones are scheduled to be added to the choppers. All of this to protect our northern border. Why not just build another fence, like we are doing on the southern border?
BTW, you'll note from the Google news search that nearly all of the sources for this information are Canadian. You don't see a whole lot in the American media about this kind of stuff.
Besides, I've always maintained that the fence isn't there to keep THEM out; it's to keep US in.
Posted by Farnsworth68 at 4:58 PM 0 comments
Monday, October 16, 2006
The Big Database
I'm sure I'm in it. You're probably in it. Everyone who reads this blog is probably in it.
It's the huge Dept of Defense database on anti-war demonstrators, pacifists, quakers and other traitors. They've managed to list us all as potential terrorists.
Read the NYTimes article (login required -- try Bugmenot.com for one it it asks) for a chilling glimpse in the fascism that is slowly surrounding us on all sides.
Yeah, won't be long until those of over here in Left Blogistan will be rounded up in the middle of the night for "extraordinary rendition" and taken to a sports stadium a la Argentina and Chile in the bad old days.
A woman I met a number of years ago was reading Prisoner Without a Name, Cell Without a Number one day, and I told her then that it could happen very easily here. She argued with me, of course, telling me that our Constitution wouldn't allow it.
Really? I wonder where she is now and if she still agrees.
Posted by Farnsworth68 at 2:38 AM 4 comments
Weekly "Bush Twins in Uniform" Watch
It has now been 874 days since Jenna and Not-Jenna Bush, the slacker offspring of Preznit Numnutz, graduated from college and they are still not in the uniform of the US armed services.
Why? Because they have other priorities. They are too busy partying down in Georgetown to show their support for the war by enlisting their chickenhawk-child selves into the military service, that's why.
Why can't they be like their royal counterparts in the UK? The Royal Family, unlike the Bush Crime Family, has a centuries-long tradition of honorable military service. Prince Andrew was a combat helicopter pilot in La Guerre de las Malvinas (aka the Falklands War), Prince William, direct heir to the throne, has entered Sandhurst (Britain's West Point), and little brother Prince Harry graduated from Sandhurst in April and could be on his way to Iraq as a cavalry lieutenant.
The son of Senator John McCain has enlisted in the US Marine Corps. That means that as soon as he's done with his training, he's going to be on his way to The Sandbox. Now there's a role model right in their own political party for Jenna and Not-Jenna. Will they follow him?
Be sure to check out The Yellow Elephant blog, which asks the question "It's their war; why aren't they fighting it?"
BTW, they are also still not pregnant with their own Snowflake Babies. If they can't join the service, the least they could do would be to get themselves impregnated with a couple of blastocytes that would otherwise go into the garbage. Remember what Farnsworth always says: Baste 'em, don't waste 'em.
Posted by Farnsworth68 at 12:03 AM 0 comments
Friday, October 13, 2006
Friday by the Numbers
Total American dead in the Iraq Illegal Occupation: 2500 2513 2532 2540 2546 2558 2571 2585 2597 2605 2619 2641 2710 2737 2758
Total coalition forces dead: 237
Total Iraqi Dead: 600,000+
Number of days since Baby Doc said he'd get Osama Bin Laden "dead or alive": 1858
Number of days since the illegal occupation of Iraq began: 1306
Number of days since "Mission Accomplished": 1268
Number of days between Pearl Harbor and the end of WWII: Only 1347
Number of days that the the Vice President has NOT shot a man in the face: 241
Number of days that the Bush Twins are still not pregnant with baste-'em-or-waste-'em Snowflake babies: 87.
It is still 850 days until the end of the BFEE Maladministration -- unless we impeach the whole sorry lot of the corrupt and criminal bastards.
Vote Democratic in November!
Posted by Farnsworth68 at 6:27 AM 0 comments
Thursday, October 12, 2006
Turkish Author Wins Nobel Prize for Literature
The Nobel Prize committee has a history of choosing relatively obscure writers for the award of the Lit prize (one reason why my own hopes are still alive), and this year's choice was no different.
Orhan Pamuk is this year's recipient; he's been called the "voice of a divided country" for his lay-it-on-the-line statements about Turkish genocide against the Armenians.
I used to live in California, and I can tell you that there is no better illustration of William Faulkner's dictum that "the past isn't history; it isn't even past" than the absolute hatred that the Armenians feel for the Turks.
So it's really interesting to me that a writer who was recently on trial for "insulting Turkishness" has been elevated to the select ranks of Nobel Prize winners.
Turkey, of course, is caught in the middle. They want to join the European Union so bad they can taste it, but along with that membership is the requirement that they have to give at least lip service to the basic concepts of freedom of speech.
I'll admit that I haven't read any of Pamuk's work, but that's going to change as soon as possible. I was an English major in college, and it's always been a point of pride to me that I read at least one book by each Nobel Prize Lit winner.
And, in a somewhat related story, the French parliament voted to make it a crime to deny the Turkish genocide against Armenia. Of course France has nearly a half a million Armenians, one of the most populous populations in Europe, so maybe that had something to do with it.
Nevertheless, I do find it both amusing and ironic that the French would make free speech a crime at the same time that the Nobel committee is rewarding free speech, and both on the same issue.
Posted by Farnsworth68 at 5:58 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, October 11, 2006
New Casualty Count
Researchers from the prestigious Johns Hopkins have now come up with a new estimate of the number of Iraqi civilians killed since the Iraq War Illegal Occupation began.
It's over 655,000!!!
Which is about twenty times the estimate that Baby Doc gave us sometime earlier this year.
When he was called on this by a CNN reporter, his response was typical: "Nun-unh! Are not! Take it back!"
Posted by Farnsworth68 at 4:52 PM 2 comments
Tuesday, October 10, 2006
You Gotta Be Kidding Me...
So. North Korea allegedly exploded a "newkuler" weapon. Never mind that scientists are at odds over whether it really was nuclear. Never mind that Baby Doc himself approved -- and paid for -- the export of the raw materials for the newkuler weapon back in 2002. Never mind the fact tha there's an election coming up and we've pretty much run into the ground any "threats" from our unindicted co-conspirators in Al Qaeda.
But none of that is stopping Baby Doc from calling it "provocative"...
Provocative??? WTF??!!
Provocative is Denise Richards in Playboy.
Far be it from me to say anything negative about our Fearless Leader, but...
Does anyone else think that this stinks? That this seems like a huge fraud, to put us back into the "scare zone" since we've pretty much run out the well on the Middle East threats?
Here's what I think: I think that Kim Il Jong and the so-called "communist" North Korea is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Bushco/Unification Church, and the whole thing is a phony-baloney scare tactic to frighten the Moron-American Voting Bloc into voting for Rethug candidates, on the completely bogus "national security" platform.
Wait and see if I'm right. Remember, you saw it here first.
Posted by Farnsworth68 at 4:26 PM 4 comments
VA Cutbacks Turn Deadly
Right in my own backyard, an aging WWII veteran named Clinton Fuller went to the VA hospital in Spokane, Washington, where he died in front of the building because they did not have the staff and equipment to man a 24-hour emergency medicine department.
Budget cutbacks at the VA, we are told. So sorry. "Stuff" happens. You go with the medical you've got, not the medical care you want or would like to have.
Tell that to Clinton Fuller and his family, who believed right up to the biter end that they could get the health care they were promised from the VA.
Read the whole sorry story here, by VA Watchdog's Larry Scott, and prepare to get pissed off.
Posted by Farnsworth68 at 6:01 AM 3 comments
Monday, October 09, 2006
Weekly "Bush Twins in Uniform" Watch
It has now been 867 days since Jenna and Not-Jenna Bush, the slacker offspring of Preznit Numnutz, graduated from college and they are still not in the uniform of the US armed services.
Why? Because they have other priorities. They are too busy partying down in Georgetown to show their support for the war by enlisting their chickenhawk-child selves into the military service, that's why.
Why can't they be like their royal counterparts in the UK? The Royal Family, unlike the Bush Crime Family, has a centuries-long tradition of honorable military service. Prince Andrew was a combat helicopter pilot in La Guerre de las Malvinas (aka the Falklands War), Prince William, direct heir to the throne, has entered Sandhurst (Britain's West Point), and little brother Prince Harry graduated from Sandhurst in April and could be on his way to Iraq as a cavalry lieutenant.
The son of Senator John McCain has enlisted in the US Marine Corps. That means that as soon as he's done with his training, he's going to be on his way to The Sandbox. Now there's a role model right in their own political party for Jenna and Not-Jenna. Will they follow him?
Be sure to check out The Yellow Elephant blog, which asks the question "It's their war; why aren't they fighting it?"
BTW, they are also still not pregnant with their own Snowflake Babies. If they can't join the service, the least they could do would be to get themselves impregnated with a couple of blastocytes that would otherwise go into the garbage. Remember what Farnsworth always says: Baste 'em, don't waste 'em.
Posted by Farnsworth68 at 4:50 PM 0 comments
Friday, October 06, 2006
Friday by the Numbers
Total American dead in the Iraq Illegal Occupation: 2500 2513 2532 2540 2546 2558 2571 2585 2597 2605 2619 2641 2710 2737
That's 27 in ONE WEEK! And we've been in the "last throes" of the insurgency since 2004.
Total coalition forces dead: 237
Total Iraqi Dead: 100,000+
Number of days since Baby Doc said he'd get Osama Bin Laden "dead or alive": 1851
Number of days since the illegal occupation of Iraq began: 1299
Number of days since "Mission Accomplished": 1261
Number of days between Pearl Harbor and the end of WWII: Only 1347
Number of days that the the Vice President has NOT shot a man in the face: 234
Number of days that the Bush Twins are still not pregnant with baste-'em-or-waste-'em Snowflake babies: 80.
It is still 857 days until the end of the BFEE Maladministration -- unless we impeach the whole sorry lot of the corrupt and criminal bastards.
Vote Democratic in November!
Posted by Farnsworth68 at 8:06 AM 0 comments
Thursday, October 05, 2006
Oh, the Irony, the Irony
I swear you can't make this shit up. A "concerned parent" in Texas (surprise) has started a movement to have a book banned from the local school 10th grade reading assignment list.
So what's the book? Huckleberry Finn? Lady Chatterley's Lover? Tropic of Cancer?
Nope, it's -- get this -- Fahrenheit 451!!!
A book about censorship and book burning! And the reading assignment was given out during National Banned Book Week!!
It's just too much. Like I say, you can't make this shit up.
Posted by Farnsworth68 at 5:07 PM 3 comments
Hastert Gets the Blunt Boehner
After being caught lying on the bloviating gasbag's show the other day, you'd think he'd show a little bit of remorse and shame. Instead he's not going to step aside for the good of the party.
His loyal henchmen, Boehner and Blunt, are falling over their own feet trying to distance themselves from the hapless speaker: "Hastert? Hey, I barely know the guy."
Even Joe Scarborough says that the Rethugs have gone too far, that Hastert has to go, and that the Dems are going to take back Congress next month.
So either way, Hastert is toast. If he steps aside now, it's too late to save face or anything else. And if he hangs in there, he's a handy hook for the Dems to hang the scandal hat on.
"I love the smell of napalm in the morning." -- Robert Duvall in Apocalypse Now
Posted by Farnsworth68 at 5:04 PM 1 comments
Wednesday, October 04, 2006
"Gay Bashing" and the Foley Scandal
One of the most bizarrely comical things that has surfaced in all this is the statement made several times by different spokesmouths on the right that the Rethugs didn't want to do anything about Foley because it would be seen as "gay bashing".
Yeah, the party that discharges from the military Arabic speakers who just happen to be gay, the party that opposes each and every gay civil rights law that comes along, from partner benefits to gay marriage, now that's my idea of a party that's afraid of seeming like they are "gay bashers".
Sorry, guys, that spin cycle is broken. Try a different washing machine.
Posted by Farnsworth68 at 3:42 PM 1 comments
It's Called "Perjury", Condi
It's lying under oath. Remember the mock outrage when Clinton "lied" about something inconsequential? Where's the similar outrage over the Rice lies?
Take a look at this list of statements that Kindasleazy made -- under oath -- to the 9/11 Commission, along with the actual reality-based facts associated with those statements.
She is a born-again liar and she's at it again. When confronted with the story of the now-infamous meeting on July 11, she first denied it, then said it happened but she didn't remember it. And now she's throwing a tantrum, acting like a petulant teenager busted coming in after curfew.
She says it's "incomprehensible" that she would ignore warnings of an Al Qaeda attack. Yeah, that's what we're all thinking, Condi. So why did you do it?
It would be a lot funnier if it weren't so tragic. This is another member of the BFEE cabal that needs to be frogmarched in orange coveralls before the court of justice at The Hague.
Posted by Farnsworth68 at 3:40 PM 2 comments
Monday, October 02, 2006
More on Foley
It seems that the House leadership was aware of Child Molester Republican Foley's predilections for nearly a year: In January they banned him from the Library of Congress reading room because he kept bending the pages over... (Thanx to Stephanie Miller for that one)
So, on a more serious note: How long will it be before they try to blame it on the "liberal media" and Bill Clinton?
Posted by Farnsworth68 at 4:34 PM 4 comments
"Divided" Opinion
It wasn't on Faux News, although it wouldn't surprise me if it showed up there. I'm talking about a headline in the print-version of Faux News, the rightwing Moonie-owned Washington Times: "Black Opinion Divided on Allen" in the Virginia senate race.
Yeah, if you can say that 999 out of 1000 people think that breathing air is a requirement, and one lone nut holdout says that we don't need it, then you have the basis for saying that people are "divided" about the need for air. This makes about as much sense.
But that's how wingnut media works. The truth is something to be spun, to be shaded, to be nuanced, and if all that fails, to be ignored, stomped on, set fire to and eradicated.
Posted by Farnsworth68 at 4:32 PM 1 comments
Weekly "Bush Twins in Uniform" Watch
It has now been 860 days since Jenna and Not-Jenna Bush, the slacker offspring of Preznit Numnutz, graduated from college and they are still not in the uniform of the US armed services.
Why? Because they have other priorities. They are too busy partying down in Georgetown to show their support for the war by enlisting their chickenhawk-child selves into the military service, that's why.

Why can't they be like their royal counterparts in the UK? The Royal Family, unlike the Bush Crime Family, has a centuries-long tradition of honorable military service. Prince Andrew was a combat helicopter pilot in La Guerre de las Malvinas (aka the Falklands War), Prince William, direct heir to the throne, has entered Sandhurst (Britain's West Point), and little brother Prince Harry graduated from Sandhurst in April and could be on his way to Iraq as a cavalry lieutenant.
The son of Senator John McCain has enlisted in the US Marine Corps. That means that as soon as he's done with his training, he's going to be on his way to The Sandbox. Now there's a role model right in their own political party for Jenna and Not-Jenna. Will they follow him?
Be sure to check out The Yellow Elephant blog, which asks the question "It's their war; why aren't they fighting it?"
BTW, they are also still not pregnant with their own Snowflake Babies. If they can't join the service, the least they could do would be to get themselves impregnated with a couple of blastocytes that would otherwise go into the garbage. Remember what Farnsworth always says: Baste 'em, don't waste 'em.
Posted by Farnsworth68 at 4:31 PM 1 comments