Friday, January 13, 2012

The French Connection

We all knew that the Newster was going to pull out all the stops in his charge to topple Mitt Rawmoney, so this shouldn't come as a surprise.

But it does.

Now Newtie is slamming Mittens because he can speak ... French??? Just like (wait for it...) John Kerry.

I don't know what it is about Americans, but we seem to have a visceral dislike of the French, that bunch of cheese-eating surrender monkeys, with their funny-smelling cheeses and their snotty accents and their superior attitudes... Who the fuck do they think they are, anyway? We can still eat their fried potatoes but we can call them "freedom" fries, thank you very much.

After all, without the US, they would be speaking German now... Never mind the fact that it was the French who helped us out during our own Revolutionary War, and without them we'd all be speaking English now... But I digress...

Come on, Newt. This is the best you can do after getting all Armageddony on us?

Especially since, as a self-described college "professor", you really ought to know better.


A World Quite Mad said...

America is just jealous of the French because they were Imperialists long before England even was.

C'est le théâtre de l'absurde.

double nickel said...

Somewhere along the way, Newt's sphincter and esophagus got turned around.

Vigilante said...

Republicans can barely think straight in one language. That's why they are so distrustful of bilingual thinkers and speakers.

Farnsworth68 said...

Thanks, guys! I'm a lifelong Francophile so I sometimes think I'm being a little too sensitive.
Wait. Me, sensitive? No, strike that...

Anonymous said...

Lafayette is a Revolutionary War hero, yet Rethugs sure love to pretend he never existed.


Farnsworth68 said...

Yeah, Lafayette! I'd kind of let him hip slip my mind there. I'll be the Wingnut Rehistowriters don't much like him. How long until he get smudged out in paintings and his name gets scrubbed from the historical record?
--The F Man

SuLee said...

Not to mention the 78 French soldiers (so far) who have died in Afghanistan fighting the schrub's war.

Farnsworth68 said...

Thanks, sl. Good call. I should have recalled that myself, but you know, at my age...
Uh, what was I thinking again...?
--The F Man

charliebickle69 said...

In the olden times the republicans needed an elephant motto reminding them to never forget. Nowadays they have forgotten everything. I refer to this as conservative or republican amnesia. They forgot where the first eleven and a half trillion dollars of national debt came from. Have you heard Bush's (the shrub W) name even mentioned in the debates (sic). They forgot about him too. It's Reagan this and Meese that. The have forgotten that trickle down never worked. They have forgot Ronnie raised federal taxes 4 times. Hell, half of them most likely are unable to find France on a map let alone remember LaFayette. I love the French and their panties, perfume bikinis....

Farnsworth68 said...

Wow. Thanks, cb. You have it in context...