Thursday, June 05, 2008

Two Words: Supreme Court

We can't emphasize this enough. I saw a blatantly gay man at a Hillary rally come right out and say if "they" steal the nomination from Hillary, he will vote for McCain. There are some ardent feminists who believe that Hillary lost the nomination because of ingrained misogyny, and they are going to vote for McCain, to "send a message".

People, people, people. Don't do it. If Grampaw McCain wins this election, he will have the chance to appoint two -- and worse-case scenario, three -- Supreme Court justices.

He's already said that he will appoint judges in the mold of Antonin "Tony Quack-Quack" Scalia. So here's an analysis of what Tony QQ really believes, from Michael Dorf over at

Scalia claimed that the Establishment Clause of the First Amendment should not be construed to forbid government from favoring "religion over nonreligion." Justice Scalia has made this point before, both on and off the bench, and he may be correct when he says, as he did before Agudath Israel, that such a prohibition "does not . . . represent the American tradition," but only if one excludes from that tradition the last forty years of Supreme Court jurisprudence.
However, when one closely examines what Justice Scalia means by non-sectarianism, it turns out to be non-sectarianism among monotheistic religions. He says so explicitly in McCreary, and not just as a matter of what the Founding generation believed. Justice Scalia writes of Twenty-First Century America: "The three most popular religions in the United States, Christianity, Judaism, and Islam—which combined account for 97.7% of all believers—are monotheistic." Because the holy books of all three of these faith traditions say "that the Ten Commandments were given by God to Moses, and are divine prescriptions for a virtuous life," Justice Scalia concludes that "publicly honoring the Ten Commandments . . . cannot be reasonably understood as a government endorsement of a particular religious viewpoint."
Justice Scalia does not say exactly why the number of adherents to a particular religion is the measure of sectarianism, but even if it is, note that according to the Pew Forum on Religion and Public Life, taken together, American Buddhists and Hindus outnumber American Muslims. Hinduism is expressly polytheistic while neither Buddhism nor Hinduism regards the Ten Commandments as a holy text. And that is to say nothing of the four million atheists and agnostics, or the more than six million unaffiliated secular Americans, identified by the Pew Forum survey.
Go read the rest of it. It's a bit scholarly, but it is still incisive and to the point.

When you get right down to it, there is so little standing in the way of this nation becoming an American-Taliban-based theocracy.

A McCain victory would push us so much farther down that road that we may not be able to come back.


Diodotus said...

No worries, Farnsworth. Of course they're saying that now, but remember how conservatives said the same thing about McCain? The party will close ranks shortly, as it always does.

Unknown said...

Sure, there was sexism in this campaign. There was also racism. But in the end Hillary Clinton ran a poor campaign and that is why she lost. A woman in my office told me she would now be voting for McCain and I asked her what her daughter had done to piss her off. I told her that her age McCain couldn't hurt her too much but his anti-choice, anti-labor, pro-corporate policies could play hell with her daughter's life. I don't know if I changed her mind but I gave her something to think about.