Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Terrorist Babies & Anus Grenades? Paging Doctor Freud

In an almost unbelievable statement on a nationally-syndicated radio show, Michael Reagan fantasized about this: Cramming hand grenades up the anuses of one-year-old "terrorist" babies and lighting them off.

Okay... Is anyone else on the planet kind of ... I don't know ... upset about this kind of statement? I mean, what the fuck is going on in this sick motherfucker's head to even come up with something like that?

And this is a man who is allowed -- yes, allowed -- to preach this kind of violent hatred over the airwaves which are, after all, owned by the American people!!!!

Okay, I know that the asshole -- oops, maybe wrong choice of words -- was possibly molested (so he claims) by one of those evil pederastic "ho-mo-sessuals" when he was away at summer camp or something like that, but Michael...

Jeez, dude, isn't about time you got some therapy? I mean, what's with this sicko fantasy about grenades and baby's butts anyway? I don't think we need Dr. Freud himself to step up, but I think it's pretty obvious that you have some severe unresolved issues in the anal-retentive department, if you know what I mean...

So, for your own sake, if not that of every little brown "terrorist baby" within a ten-mile radius of you, get some fucking psychiatric help, dude!


Unknown said...

Dude, you just know these guys have the sickest fantasies you can ever imagine. Looking at Michael Reagan you know he got his ass kicked on the playground every day when he was a kid. Put them in a situation today when there was any chance of violence and there would be a total melt down. That is why they love the war so much. They get to see brown people die but they know their butt won't be on the line. The term "chickenhawk" was just made for them.

mrln said...

DO the American people still own the airwaves? We used to...but didn't Clinton sell them off in the Telecommunications Act of the 1990's?

Anonymous said...

Isn't there a Governing Agency for the air waves? They booted Stern off through massive fines because 1 person complained about what he said.

Myabe we could call and complain about the really sick ones, besides Stern.

If I only had the phone number...

Anonymous said...

michael, thanks I had not realized that war mongers were doing it because they were raciest. Strangely enough that makes since.

Farnsworth68 said...

All you had to do was ask. here's the page with contact information for the Federal Communications Commission.
Not that I think it's going to do a lot of good, but it wouldn't hurt for all of us to get on the record about hate speech such as this.
I say go for it!

mrln said...

Check out
to read the opinion of an FCC member who does not support media consolidation...

And yes, the people still DO own the airwaves. We just haven't weighed in on what the ground rules should be...