Friday, August 18, 2006

How Convenient...

Is it just me, or does the whole "I Killed Jon-Benet" story just fucking reek? And was it a coincidence that it comes out on the same day as -- and shoves off the front page the news about -- the judge in Detroit ruling that the BFEE wiretaps are illegal and unconstitutional?

The latest news on John Mark Karr and his "confession" to the police in Thailand is starting to show some unraveling around the edges:

  • Karr said he gave Jon-Benet drugs; no drugs were found in her system.
  • Karr says he raped Jon-Benet, but test conducted at the time showed no semen on her body.
  • Karr's ex-wife says he was in Alabama with her every Christmas.
  • Karr says he picked Jon-Benet up from school, but school was closed for the Christmas holiday
  • There is no evidence that Karr even knew the Ramseys, or that he was ever in Colorado.
Watch for more unraveling in the next few days or weeks, and when the entire skein is spread out on the floor and they find it attaches nowhere to the case, the charges -- if any are ever even filed -- will quietly be dropped, the true murderer will still be at large, and Karr's life will be ruined. He obviously needs psychiatric help, but he will most likely not get it.

But hey, at least it moved the focus of the ADHD-suffering Moron-Americans off of what really counts and onto the Crime of the Century, conveniently brought there by the BFEE-controlled media.


Anonymous said...

GODDAMN I hate it when you are right!

Anonymous said...

Not all of us give a shit about the child murder. Not to be callous, but people die everyday, for all kinds of reasons, like presidents lying for example....

Anonymous said...

Maybe the Great British "Tur" Plot wasn't getting the bad news off the front page fast enough.

They haven't been getting their usual mileage from "tur" lately, try as they might.

nunya said...

yup, it stinks, it may be a pr stunt to show the Thai people that the pedophilia tourists from the US will be caught and prosecuted? Fat chance that, if the sickos are wealthy.

Unknown said...

I heard that he was in Thailand to get the big snip-snip--a sex change operation. I am puzzled by how he thinks her death was an accident. How do you accidentally strangle & bind yourself when someone else is in the room?

Anonymous said...

Dang it! I just did a search for: president bush illegal wire tap program

and got almost nothing back! Even Google is in on this?