Okay, my "vacation" from blogging is over. I just couldn't stay away -- there's too much going on.
Thanks to all of you who expressed such good wishes and thoughts when I went on this abbreviated hiatus. The good news is that I'm back!
Longtime readers of this blog know that I am an activist with Americans United for Separation of Church and State. Last weekend I went to our yearly conference in Washington DC, and there's nothing like being around and among a bunch of like-minded activists to clear your mind, reset your inner clock, reboot your internal computer and reinvigorate you for the coming battles.
An added plus was a special "bloggers meetup" on Saturday night of Bloggers Against Theocracy, where I got to have my picture taken with Rev. Barry Lynn, the Executive Director of American United (and who could have had a stellar career as a standup comedian, if he wanted to):

- Blue Gal
- Correntewire
- Dispatches from the Culture Wars
- DistributorcapNY
- Fran I Am
- Jesus General
- Last Left Turn Before Hooterville
- Mainstream Baptist
- Mock Paper Scissors
- Nailing Jello to the Wall
- Neural Gourmet
- No Blood for Hubris
- Pharyngula
- Politits
- Yikes!
- Zaius Nation
We need your help. It's as simple as that.
You can join us for as little as $25 a year, and there's probably an active chapter in your local area. If there isn't, you can always start one.
Our freedoms are too precious for us to allow them to be swept away by the Radical Christianists, the American Taliban. And they are now too fragile to stand without our help.
[* Capitalist Pig Media]
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