Wednesday, May 11, 2011

In Your Fucking Dreams, Newtie

I really wish I had the confidence that Newtie G. will never get the Rethug nomination, let alone win the 2012 election, that this headline implies, but I've pretty much given up trying to understand, let alone "misunderestimate", the Moron-American Voting Bloc.

Now that Newtie G. is officially in the race, you'd think that some of his supporters -- or those who think they are supporting him because they remember hearing his name sometime and wasn't he the guy with that Contract on America thing? -- would actually look that gift horse in the mouth.

Over at Mother Jones, Tim Murphy and David Corn have put together a compilation of statements flowing from the diseased gums of the man-who-would-be-king. It's called Newt in His Own Words: 33 Years of Bomb-Throwing, wherein you'll find, among many more, these "greatest hits":

1980 On the House floor, Gingrich states, "The reality is that this country is in greater danger than at any time since 1939."
1985 Gingrich calls Reagan's upcoming meeting with Mikhail Gorbachev ''the most dangerous summit for the West since Adolf Hitler met with Chamberlain in 1938 at Munich.''
1994 He sums up his political philosophy: "People like me are what stand between us and Auschwitz. I see evil all around me every day."
Okay, enough of that. See a pattern developing here. Newt is so swept up in the events leading to WWII that he sees a Munich behind every treaty, an umbrella-toting Neville Chamberlain lurking inside every Democratic politician.

The scary thing is that this thrice-married family values fraud is probably more likely than any of his current Rethug contenders (Michelle Bachmann? Mike Huckabee? Get real.) to actually get the nomination. And if that happens, then it's just one October-surprise international-crisis black eye for the black president, and Our Hero will come galloping to the rescue.

This is some scary shit, and one more reason why I lie awake at night...