Longtime readers will recall that last summer we went to Alaska to meet my son's girlfriend, who was carrying our next grandchild.
Little Blakely Lauren was born on Christmas Eve, and died of apparent crib death on Saturday, January 3rd. Her parents, Bob and Almarie, are grieving their loss, as are Susan and I.
Here's to you, Little One. I'm sorry we never got to meet in person.

My condolences and thoughts are with you Farnsworth.
I am so sorry to read that your new granddaughter died. Please accept my condolences.
(I really don't know what to say beyond that.)
Sorry to hear... I have no words...
Thanks to all of you for your kind words of support.
-- The F-Man
I am so sorry to hear this. My heart goes out to you all.
Hey, dude sorry to hear about your granddaughter. I have no other words.
hmc lavadog...
Thanks, mrln and hmc.
-- The F-Man
I'm so sorry for your loss.
My deepest condolences. I'm so sorry to hear about your granddaughter.
Thanks, nunya & fjb. Your condolences mean a lot.
-- The F Man
Sorry for your trouble, man.
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