Monday, July 25, 2005

He Who Recuses Himself Accuses Himself

In a remarkable exchange reported in the LA Times, Judge John Fuck Veterans Frenchfry Roberts said in response to a question from Senator Richard Durbin (D-IL) that as a devout and practicing Roman Catholic, he would probably have to recuse himself from a Supreme Court decision if the law required a ruling that his church considered "immoral".

Think about that a minute. Not only would Justice Frenchfry have to recuse himself from any decision on abortion, but also decisions on issues of church and state, doctor-assisted suicide, the death penalty, preemptive war, pornography, gay rights, social welfare...

Jesus, the list is almost endless. So if he's not going to actually be doing anything, like issuing decisions and ruling on cases, why should we pay the fucker that fantastic salary?


merlallen said...

no shit.

Anonymous said...

Sorry but I think I was lost in the first paradox. Like we all know, this guy should not be the judge of a juvenile court.

As the Great OPOVET said...
Look for the smoke screen to cover up Rove.

Did you catch the US TODAY op ed about the real consequences of the leak?

Can this really be happening?

Anonymous said...

Yep this is smoke, I smell it, I see it, there is nothing going on about this centuries biggest traitor!

Damn Leftist, Rightest... Whatever happened to justices-es?

Anonymous said...

When you can buy your way into the White House (twice) and control the price of Oil like Bush. You know that everything will get much wrose before it will get better!!!