Friday, April 10, 2015

Without a Trace of Irony -- or Embarrassment

I note that one "L. Tom" (who calls themselves that?) Perry, of The Twelve -- the twelve Mormon apostles, that is -- made an interesting comment at the One True ChurchTM annual conference last weekend:

Speaker after Mormon speaker warned Saturday about the need to defend "traditional families" — a legally married mother and father, who rear their children together — and about the dangers of "counterfeit and alternative lifestyles."
. . .
Perry, who at age 92 is the oldest Mormon apostle, lamented the media's glorification of "immorality and amorality," suggesting that it makes it harder to keep marriages and families intact.
"Despite what much of media and entertainment outlets may suggest, however, and despite the very real decline in the marriage and family orientation of some," he said, "the solid majority of mankind still believes that marriage should be between one man and one woman." [emphasis added]
Are you fucking kidding me? One man and one woman? Counterfeit and alternative lifestyles? This coming from the prime purveyor and practitioner of polygamy in this country for most of the 19th Century?

Yes, I mean the Mormon Church!!!

Jesus wept...


Unknown said...

They are losing.


It makes me happy that they are losing so badly that they have retreated to arguments over gay cake.

I don't mean to sound hateful here, but frankly, we need to make sure they understand their positions are not moral and they are not acceptable.

The Mormon Church, after all, did not allow black members in until the Carter Administration. Ridiculous.

Farnsworth68 said...

Thanks, Katy. One small clarification: They would allow black members, but they could not hold "the priesthood", which meant that they were excluded from pretty much everything that mattered in the church. Oh, yes, they could be members, and pay their 10% (of gross wages!), with the guarantee that they then would get to "the Celestial Kingdom" -- where all of god's truly chosen would dwell -- but as servants! After all, all those rich white guys needed someone to do the work. At least the work that their dozens of wives didn't do...

Unknown said...

Well, that's the last time I rely on "House MD" to teach me about the history of religion...