Tuesday, September 06, 2011

Bachmann Out? Say it Ain't So...

According to the latest buzz on the Internets, it appears that Crazy-Eyes Bachmann's campaign is over.

Damn, when you get headlines like "I believe in god and $2 gas" and "Bachmann suggests eliminating Dept of Education" and "Bachmann says hurricane and earthquake are signs from god"... Well, it's gonna be a less humorous year for those of us in the snark business.

Too bad. I love watching people I hate self-destruct. Now we can only hope that on-again-off-again half-governor Sarah Palin will finally -- and really -- get in the game. If she doesn't (and all indications are that she eventually won't), then the campaign can be really boring.

But not necessarily. Rick Perry is an untapped reservoir of humor. With Bachmann out, it's only a matter of time for him to fuck up royally. He's perfectly capable of gaffes of immense proportions, as a quick Google for the phrase "Rick Perry idiot" will reveal.


The Future Was Yesterday said...

Rick Perry is an untapped reservoir of humor. With Bachmann out, it's only a matter of time for him to fuck up royally.

GMTA I guess!:)

Thomas Kent said...

Oh, I think he'll keep us amused! Have you seen this on Pensito Review?:
