Thursday, September 08, 2005

The Eternal Darkness of a Beautiful Mind

After professional cranky-old-lady Babs Bush stated Monday that while the evacuees to the Astro Dome in Houston were scary, they were also better off -- "And so many of the people in the arena here, you know, were underprivileged anyway [chuckle] so this is working very well for them" -- yesterday, the White House Media Monkey, aka Little Scotty McClelland, said that her comments were a "personal observation".

Yeah, them ole personal-observation-devils, they will get you every single time. Better to stay with those impersonal non-observations that the Bush Crime Family is so adept at and so well-known for.

Jesus, Scotty McWeasel, give us a fucking break. There's no way that you can slice this piece of fetid baloney so that it doesn't stink.

You'd think that somebody in the Baby Doc entourage (not Papa Doc -- obviously he can't get the job done) would tell that old battleaxe to keep that fat ugly gaping-maw mouth of hers fucking shut. Every time she opens it, we get to see just a little bit more of the uncaring unfeeling pompous self-absorbed bitch-shrew that was in charge of Little Georgie's potty training.

No wonder the little shit is so fucked up. Too bad he's fucking up the rest of the world because of it.


Anonymous said...

Guess she can't lie? well...
I couldn't believe when I read she said people were better off camping in the sports arena. RICH BITCH!

Why are most of the disaster victims in Texas? 200,000 of them? Can you say kick back and pading for the Texans??? It took almost a day to figure it out...

Anonymous said...

Too ture! I saw it and was like OMG she really said that in public?