Friday, August 20, 2010

Just Answer the Question, Boner!

Here's senate minority "leader" John Boehner, wiggling like a frog caught on a spike, in front of David Gregory last weekend on Meet the Press:

Can't the Rethugs find a single spokesperson that can have that "conversation" that Boner is talking about? Especially when he can't (won't) give a straight answer to a pretty simple question.

Just answer the fucking question, Boner!


thebassguy said...

i watched. i almost vomitted. maybe i did just a little. what a douche. A Dick and a Douche.

Nata Harli said...

Maybe you should change that to "minority" leader instead of "majority" unless something's happened that I'm not aware of.

Farnsworth68 said...

Thanks Nata--
I hope I wasn't engaging in some Nostradamus-y predictin' there...
--The F Man