Monday, February 12, 2007

Keep Your Fucking Nose Out of It

John Howard, the conservative PM of Australia, stuck his nose into American politics over the weekend, claiming that a vote for Barack Obama was a vote for Al Qaeda.

What a sorry joke he is, even among his own people. I spent a month in Australia in early 2004 and I didn't meet anyone who actually liked him, who actually supported him. But they've got that weird parliamentary system down there, so the only people who actually have to like and support him are those in his home district. They keep reelecting him, and the majority party keeps appointing him Prime Minister. (However, one likely scenario has him losing his next election -- his home district demographics are changing to work against him.)

Anyway, I think Obama had the right response to the fucker: "If Prime Minister Howard truly believes what he says, perhaps his country should find its way to contribute more than just 1,400 troops so some American troops can come home. It's easy to talk tough when it's not your country or your troops making the sacrifices."

In the meantime, Mr. Howard, you can keep your fucking nose out of American politics. With The Poodle still in the UK, you don't have a dog in this fight and we don't give a fat rat's ass what you think about our elections.


Anonymous said...

As an American I have a couple of words for the Australian PM.

You have less troops in Iraq than we have lost in Iraq.

GO FUCK YOURSELVES Australian War Mongers!

The Future Was Yesterday said...

This Goofy Fucker has to be his twin, then!!

Farnsworth68 said...

TFWY, you're right -- he IS a goofy fucker!
Or else one of those guys who deliberately sets out to provoke a reaction.

Anonymous said...

Farnsworth, You obviously don't understand our parliamentary system but I wholeheartedly agree with your comments. John Howard is a fuck head. He is obviously more intelligent than your president but that goes without saying. So is every other leader of every other country in the world. 95% of Australians disagree with both John Howard and George Bush. Unfortunately we can't do anything about it until we vote the bastard out this year which we will certainly do. It would be interesting to listen to some more of your ideas.
