Friday, July 21, 2006

Friday by the Numbers

Total American dead in the Iraq Illegal Occupation: 2500 2513 2532 2540 2546 2558
Total coalition forces dead: 228
Total Iraqi Dead: 100,000+

Number of days since Baby Doc said he'd get Osama Bin Laden "dead or alive": 1775
Number of days since the illegal occupation of Iraq began: 1219
Number of days since "Mission Accomplished": 1179
Number of days between Pearl Harbor and the end of WWII: Only 1347
Number of days that the the Vice President has NOT shot a man in the face: 158

It is still 934 days until the end of the BFEE Maladministration -- unless we impeach the whole sorry lot of the corrupt and criminal bastards.

Vote Democratic this fall!


Elmo said...

I wonder what the number of days are since the Bush Twins graduated college...

Farnsworth68 said...

That's a statistic I print every Monday -- see last week's here.