Saturday, February 14, 2015

Five Reasons Why Progressives Should Not Support a Clinton Candidacy

Over at Truthout, Joseph Mulkerin has an incisive analysis, Five Reasons No Progressive Should Support Hillary Clinton that is well worth the read.

As I've said before, if it comes down to Hillary Clinton against any other Republican, I will hold my nose and vote for her, if only because I don't want a Republican to even be elected dog-catcher. But in all likelihood and barring some anti-miracle, I won't give her the active campaign work that I have freely provided in the past to Democratic presidential candidates. Or the money, either. Nor will a lot of people I know.

In fact, just the prospect of a Hillary Clinton presidency kind of creeps me out...


Unknown said...

Amen. It's why I was glad to see then-Senator Obama beat her in the primaries in 2008.

If you liked it when President Obama sold out the progressive base, you're going to LOVE President Clinton II!

Farnsworth68 said...

Thanks, Katy. I just sent an email to my daughters and my one granddaughter who hasn't yet given up on voting that linked to this post with the advisory, "Don't you fucking DARE to think of voting for Hillary. Unless she's the candidate, of course..."

Farnsworth68 said...

And don't get me started on Obama. I supported him thinking I was gonna get another FDR. Instead I got another Clinton...
Maybe Elizabeth Warren ought to go Third Party. A LOT of people would support that.