Thursday, February 12, 2015

Boycott Limbaugh Sponsors

By now you all know exactly how I feel about that pimple-ass draft-dodging professional blow-hole/windbag Rush Limbaugh. Well, I feel the same way about anyone who is willing to sponsor his pollution of the airways. Thanks to the Daily Kos, here's a list of Rushbo's sponsors, companies that we should all feel free to boycott. Now.

This list contains his top ten advertisers: Lifelock, iHeart Radio, 1800flowers,, Visiting Angels, ProFlowers, Hillsdale College, Lear Capital, PajamaGram, and IDrive.

Read the full story, which also contains links to the company websites, and keep those companies in mind whenever you are thinking about purchasing some goods or services. Find out who their competition is and patronize them instead. Vote with your wallet. You'll feel better about yourself.

And speaking of feeling better about yourself, why not sign this petition? It will be sent to those very same sponsors every time they get an additional 500 names. Make your voice heard!

You will, of course, be asked to make a monetary contribution. It's not required and even though I am anti-capitalist, I realize that this is an imperfect world and money is required to keep it spinning... Contribute if you like, or not. Because freedom...

1 Comment:

Ed said...

Happy to report I've never done business with any of those companies.