Friday, April 14, 2006

Friday by the Numbers

Total American dead in the Iraq War Illegal Occupation: 2369
Total coalition force soldiers dead: 208
Total Iraqi Dead: 100,000+

It has been 1676 days since Baby Doc said he'd get Osama Bin Laden "dead or alive".
It has been 1093 days since the illegal occupation of Iraq began.
It was only 1347 days between Pearl Harbor and the end of WWII.


merlallen said...

how many vacation days has bush taken since he said "I will not rest until Osama binLaden is captured, dead or alive"?
I think at least 676 days out of those 1676 days.

merlallen said...

Lazy cowardly son of a bitch.

NetAgra said...


Sigh. Can't we put an end to this madness? F Man's sad tally gets sader every day.

Anonymous said...

And shruby thinks rummy is doing a great job...

Unknown said...

I think that the numbers really show the innane ineffectiveness of this administration. Damn Reagan for breaking that zero year curse thing. We'd already be rid of him!! :-)

JBlue said...

POV, just read another statistic in this week's Newsweek that might interest in you. They estimate 1200 American children have lost parents in the Iraq war.

Farnsworth68 said...

Gus--I'd like to know the actual total on that; someone must be keeping track.
Kira--thanks for the new number; it's a good one to add to the count.
Elizabeth--careful with that talk; they're watching us, you know.
BUT...President Teflon maybe didn't break it; maybe it just bounced off him like so much else did.
Of course, if it's back in effect, it's certainly taking its own sweet time about acting...
Jublu--thanks for that depressing number. I wonder if anyone is keeping a weekly count of that one as well.