When you start destroying books you don't agree with, can other atrocities be very far behind?

Retired. Disabled Veteran. Democrat. Cancer Survivor. Stroke Survivor. Radical. Socialist. Non-theist. Political Activist. Witty Impromptu Comedian. Writer. Professional Pain in the Ass. Class Warrior. And Smart-Mouth Dispenser of Political Snark.
Book of the Month![]() "Bold! Daring! Shocking! True!": A History of Exploitation Films, 1919-1959 by Erik Schaefer |
You are a New Left Hipster, also known as a MoveOn.org liberal, Netroots activist, or Daily Show fanatic. You believe that if we really want to defend American values, conservative hatriots must be exposed and mocked for every fanatical, puritanical, soulless, paranoid, fact-free, obstructionist ideal for which they stand.
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-- Henry Kissinger
-- Archbishop Helder Camara
-- Robert A. Heinlein
-- Voltaire
-- Malcolm X
-- Eric Hoffer
-- Sinclair Lewis
-- Adolph Hitler
-- President John F. Kennedy
-- Cardinal Roberto Bellarmine, 1615,
during the trial of Galileo
-- Andrew Lias
-- Sigmund Freud
-- Samuel Johnson
-- Benjamin Franklin
-- Pope Gregory XVI (1831-1846)
-- Walt Kelly, Pogo
Posted by Farnsworth68 at 12:05 PM
Labels: Burning Qur'ans, Nazis
Quote of the Day |
"Liberalism is trust of the people tempered by prudence. Conservatism is distrust of the people tempered by fear." -- William Gladstone |
Nah, the Christian Taliban ain't like the Nazis at all. Rather, they're just like the Afghan Taliban, which similarly destroys other religions' holy objects, wants to impose their own deranged reading of their holy scriptures upon their nation, wants women to be back "in their place" barefoot and pregnant baby factories, force conversions of all non-believers, outlaw all other faiths other than theirs, yada yada yada. Crap, they even have their own version of the Burqa, you ever seen Pentacostal women with their floor-length long-sleeve dresses (so that men aren't enticed by the sight of a bare ankle, which makes them turn into ravenous rape creatures)?!
Let's not get our monsters confused. Afghan Taliban != Nazis. Christian Taliban != Nazis. The two Talibans do, however, seem to be pretty much the same damned thing, crap they even worship the same invisible sky demon. Only big difference 'tween them seems to be the name of the holy book that they claim justifies their nonsense.
-Badtux the Observant Penguin
Thanks, BT. Always a pleasure to hear from you.
--The F Man
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