Thursday, January 28, 2010

I'm Okay but I'm Still in Recovery Mode

I've been silent for a while. I'm still recovering my health, and I find a couple of things are keeping me away from my usual pursuits.

One, I tire easily. I came home from a couple of hours of running errands yesterday and inadvertently fell asleep for three hours, thereby missing the State of the Union address.

Two, watching the news or reading the political blogs I usually read contribute to driving up my blood pressure, when the recovery goal is to lower it...

I'm still around, but I'm not as actively outspoken. Yet.


mrln said...

F man, maybe you should change the name of this blog to One Positively Oriented Veteran. Focus on the positive changes for a while, and see if that has a calming effect on your blood pressure. I found myself getting more upset with Obama than with Bush, I suppose because my expectations were greater. You can't build on what's wrong, you can only build on what's right, so maybe acknowedging the albeit baby steps towards doing the right things is appropriate. It certainly has helped my attitude. You don't have to lose all your edge, just a little of it. I'm worried about you, Farns...

Farnsworth68 said...

Thanks, mrln...
It's probably a good idea to focus on the funny stuff and the positive stuff.
I don't think I want to change the name of the blog -- brand recognition and all that -- but as today's post illustrates, there's a world of funny stuff out there that I can tap...
Still hoping to see you in NYC one of these days.
--The F Man
PS -- Don't worry about me. I'm okay. Remember, no one gets out of here alive anyway...

jae said...

"Remember, no one gets out of here alive anyway..."

HA! Spoken like a true realist....

At 48 I have developed high blood pressure while being about 50 lbs overweight with a very low activity lifestyle.

mrln is right about those baby steps, man. You can take a step back without stepping down.

Cat video is LOL priceless!! Great start to turning one eye to the lighter side.

Be Well, Laugh A Lot....!!!

Farnsworth68 said...

Thanks, jae. Now I'm concerned about you!
Remember the old saying, laughter is the best medicine. It's really true.
The other night something struck us as funny and She-Who-Must-Be-Obeyed and I laughed so hard our stomachs hurt. We hadn't laughed that hard in years, and I'm still basking in the warm glow it brought.
--The F Man