Bloodshed in Iraq is Worth It, Bush Says
I will confess up front that I did not watch the lying hypocrite's speech. And here's why: When I was a kid growing up in rural Oklahoma, a guy who lived not far from us shot his television with a shotgun when Eisenhower came on. I have a new HDTV big-screen and I want it to stay in one piece.
But I got enough of the gist of it from the
Yahoo News AP wire to comment on it.
Bush says it is worth it. The bloodshed, the violence, the death, the open wounds, the missing limbs, the dead children, the weeping mothers, the starvation, the degradation, the desolation, the despair. All worth it.
Worth it: 1748 American lives and over 100,000 Iraqi lives snuffed out, familes torn asunder, our children, our brothers and sisters, our mothers and fathers, coming home in those snappy flag-covered shipping caskets.
Worth it: Nearly 13,000 American wounded, many of them severely, profoundly disabled, coming home to a VA health care system that is itself on life-support.
Worth it: The sand of Iraq runs red with blood, American and Iraqi, the pools of oil are stealthily pumped out of the ground and into the coffers of Halliburton, the Carlyle Group, and the entire Bush Family Evil Empire, the Middle East has been forever changed for the worse by our gun-totin' chili-pissin' hard-workin' ass-hat dry-drunk Cowboy-in-Chief, and our country's reputation and image and stock with the rest of the world has dropped to somewhere near the murderous minions of Pol Pot and the swarming hordes of Attilla the Hun.
Worth it. Yeah, worth it to him, maybe, since he doesn't have any family members in harm's way. Nothing to risk for him, and all the while the BFEE is raking in the billions faster than the Starship Enterprise at Warp 8.
In the meantime, he says we'll "stay the course" and eventually turn the fighting over to the Iraqis...Wait a minute. Seems like I've heard this whole thing before. Oh, yeah. That happened in Vietnam, didn't it? We were gonna stay the course and "Vietnamize" the Vietnam War. Yeah, that worked out real well for us.
So now we're going to "Iraqi-ize" the Iraq War? Scummy Rummy says it is going to last 6-12 years, Vice President Dickless Bumticker says the resistance is in its death throes, and Little Georgie Bushit says "there's difficult and dangerous work ahead -- and did I mention that presidentin' is hard work?".
Weren't these the same fuckers that promised us that the Iraqis would welcome us with open arms and the only injuries would come from thrown rose petals sticking under a lieutenant's eyelid?
Jesus, they not only don't know what the fuck they are doing, they don't even know what the fuck each other is saying.
With all the billions of dollars being sucked out of our economy by the Bush Oil Empire (oil went over $60 a barrel yesterday in case you didn't get the news), you'd think the cheap bastards could afford to hire some smarter advisers.
Or maybe not, since all of the smart ones are part of the reality-based community and won't have anything to do with this braying pack of greedy jackals.