Friday, February 04, 2011

Off Line for a Couple of Days

Apparently I've been offline for a couple of days. I didn't even know about it until I met some of my buddies for lunch and one of them mentioned in passing that he wasn't able to get in.

"Blog Suspended" is the message he got. This doesn't normally happen unless someone lodges a formal complaint.

Jeez, who could it be who would lodge a "formal complaint" against something on this blog...?

Let's just say that the person who doesn't know what a "practical joke" is will find out soon enough...

I'm just sayin'...


The Future Was Yesterday said...

Sic 'Em, Bro!!!!!!!

Anthony Pitman said...

The Toad? Get some F-Man.

Anonymous said...

Rats, I hope I wasn't the cause of it. Remember that blog post you did about the histrionic Jane Fonda email that was circulating? I sent that to an idiot who had sent the same email to me. I may have been a tad snarky about the holier-than-thou posturing of "veterans" who had joined alternative branches of service to avoid being drafted and avoided being sent to Nam who are still hizzying about Fonda in this day and age while I was at it. I wish he could talk to my husband, a Nam draftee who came home completely disillusioned, about the shit that went on there, but hubby died in '93. I wish he could talk to my brother-in-law's brother, who lost his legs in Nam, came home totally disillusioned, but Jim died in '95. I don't think this shithead gets it that Nam is still taking its toll.

Farnsworth68 said...

Thanks, guys. Getting any information out of Blogger as why it happened is like pulling hen's teeth. It was down for about 24 hours, apparently, and then magically came back on line. I didn't even have a chance to try to bitch about it to Blogger. My best guess, from what I have been able to figure out, is that "someone" complained about it, and they had to "investigate" the allegations, and, finding them ludicrous, released OPOV from bondage...
Now I am not saying "who" could have done this, and, as my mother used to say, "it's not nice to point fingers at others"...
But come on, who has been the biggest "victim" of my attacks lately?
I'm just sayin'. I am also NOT sayin' that I will exact any kind of revenge on him. That would be wrong...
--The F Man
PS anon: Don't worry about it, it wasn't you. We all know who it was...

Anonymous said...

The Toad strikes again... You should sabotage his blog F-man.
