Sunday, October 21, 2012

R.I.P. George McGovern

Lest we forget, today's sad news is the death of former Senator and 1972 presidential candidate George McGovern. A moment of silence for one of the unsilenced voices of conscience for my generation.

And see Amy Goodman's piece on the senator at Truthout: As Sen. McGovern is Mourned, How the Antiwar Candidate Challenged Vietnam and Inspired a Generation


the yellow fringe said...

Voted for McGovern

timr said...

I had been in Vietnam in 1970 as a 19 year old and voted for Nixon in 72 as he said he had a plan to get us out and I had read enough to understand that McGovern had nothing except lets leave Vietnam.
I spent some time before I went to Nam and some time while there and afterwards reading about the history of Vietnam and why we were there.
The very best information came from the reporter who wrote about the first Vietnam war, "Street Without Joy", "Hell in a Very Small Place". Unfortunately, I no longer have those books in my library-never lend out your books, you will never see them again-and am drawing a complete blank on the authors name

Farnsworth68 said...

Thanks, timr. Those books are Street Without Joy and
Hell in a Very Small Place: The Siege of Dien Bien Phu, both by Bernard Fall, and they should be required reading for anyone with an interest in Vietnam and Vietnam's 10,000 day war.
BTW, I voted for Nixon in 1968 myself(absentee ballot from Vietnam) because I was young and stupid and believed that he really did have a secret plan to end the war.
-- The F Man