Tuesday, March 27, 2007

A "Perjury Trap"?

Alberto "Torquemada" Gonzales has an aide named Monica Goodling, who has decided to take the Fifth Amendment instead of testifying before Congress on the whole US Attorney flap.

According to her lawyer, John Dowd, the hearings will amount to a "perjury trap" for Goodling. "One need look no further than the recent circumstances and proceedings involving Lewis Libby," he said.

Hmmm, let's think about that: Scooter Libby was convicted of ... lying. Under oath. To a federal officer. Yep, sounds like a good ole perjury trap to me.

What's up with Goodling? All she needs to do is answer the questions truthfully. She does that, there's no perjury. End of story.

With so much at stake for Torquemada and indeed the entire BFEE, why in the hell would she do something that calls so much unwanted attention to her testimony? Could it be that the truth, if it comes out, would be so damaging, so devastating, that Baby Doc and his minions could never overcome it?

That's my guess. And now I am looking forward to a new "Monica Gate", but this time without all the salacious sexual details and a whole new level of evidence of venal corruption and rank incompetence.

Let the good times roll.


jae said...

"And now I am looking forward to a new "Monica Gate", but this time without all the salacious sexual details and a whole new level of evidence of venal corruption and rank incompetence."

You and me both. Now, is it just my pessimistic nature that has me thinking it will never happen...?

Georg Felis said...

After Libby, anybody with brains called to testify in front of the Senate is either going to be granted immunity, or plead forgetfulness as badly as Hillary did. The Senate has proven they do not care why these political appointees were released, just as long as they get a scalp to nail to the wall.