It has now been 1068 days since Jenna and Not-Jenna Bush, the slacker offspring of Preznit Numnutz, graduated from college and they are still not in the uniform of the US armed services.
Why? Because they have other priorities. They are too busy partying down in Georgetown, Argentina and god-knows-where-else to show their support for the war by enlisting their chickenhawk-child selves into the military service, that's why.
And it's not just The Twins: ONLY ONE member of the extended Bush family has seen fit to volunteer for military service. Check out the Buzzflash analysis of the chickenshit Bush/Cheney extended family and see for yourself. There's even a photo taken in 2000 of the extended Bush family, complete with a whole lot of young fresh faces who seem to be of an age now to be eligible to enlist.
Little Georgie Bush, the son of Jebbie, has just enlisted in the Naval Reserve. He's going into the Officer Training Program, preparing to be ... an intelligence officer. Okay, the obvious jokes aside, what are the chances he's ever going to see Iraq?
Bush and Cheney were cowards during Vietnam who sent other men off to die in their place. Now the next generation is doing its part, sending their own peers off to die instead of them.
Why can't the Twins be more like their royal counterparts in the UK? The British Royal Family, unlike the Bush Crime Family, has a centuries-long tradition of honorable military service. Prince Andrew was a combat helicopter pilot in La Guerre de las Malvinas (aka the Falklands War) and Prince Harry -- it's now official -- is on his way to Iraq as a cavalry lieutenant.
Will the Bush Twins follow his example?
No, they will not. They are fucking cowards like their father and their Uncle Dick(less) Cheney.
Be sure to check out The Yellow Elephant blog, which asks the question "It's their war; why aren't they fighting it?"
BTW, the twins are also still not pregnant with their own Snowflake Babies. If they can't join the service, the least they could do would be to get themselves impregnated with a couple of blastocytes that would otherwise go into the garbage. Remember what Farnsworth always says: Baste 'em, don't waste 'em.
Monday, April 30, 2007
Weekly "Bush Twins in Uniform" Watch
Posted by Farnsworth68 at 4:24 PM 1 comments
Friday, April 27, 2007
Friday by the Numbers
Total American dead in the Iraq Illegal Occupation: 2500 2513 2532 2540 2546 2558 2571 2585 2597 2605 2619 2641 2710 2737 2758 2788 2809 2826 2865 2888 2906 2959 3006 3018 3025 3067 3087 3118 3132 3151 3166 3189 3210 3233 3245 3266 3299 3316 3337
Total coalition forces dead: 270
Total Iraqi Dead: 600,000+
Number of days since Baby Doc said he'd get Osama Bin Laden "dead or alive": 2055
Number of days since the illegal occupation of Iraq began: 1555
Number of days since "Mission Accomplished": 1455
Number of days between Pearl Harbor and the end of WWII: Only 1347
Number of days that the the Vice President has NOT shot a man in the face: 376
Number of days that the Bush Twins are still not pregnant with baste-'em-or-waste-'em Snowflake babies: 281.
It is still 655 days until the end of the BFEE Maladministration.
Posted by Farnsworth68 at 6:16 PM 1 comments
Wednesday, April 25, 2007
Raising the Bar on Impeachment
I've long maintained that the Clinton impeachment was pure politics, undertaken with only one goal in mind: Raising the bar so high that subsequent Democratic congresses would wither under the wingnut attacks that they were impeaching a Rethug president only to "get even" for them impeaching Clinton.
When you think about it, it's the only scenario that makes sense. They knew, after laying the groundwork by, for example, the excision of upwards of 90,000 black voters from the rolls in Florida and speeding up the privatization of the voting process by awarding voting machine contracts to Rethug enablers like Diebold, among other nefarious means, that their boy Georgie Porgie would be the next president. They knew that he would ride roughshod over the Constitution, that he would put industry executives in charge of regulating their own industries, that he would do everything he could -- both legally and illegally -- to enrich the already bulging coffers of the capitalist oligarchy.
They also knew that eventually Congress would say "enough" and try to impeach him.
By impeaching Clinton first, they could take the high ground and be able to point fingers at the Dems if they tried impeaching Chimpy. It's just retaliation, they would say. It's politics at its worst. Impeaching Clinton was an insurance policy against the eventuality that the Chimperor would come under the scrutiny of congress.
Sadly, it seems to have worked. Dennis Kucinich is pretty much alone in his crusade. No co-sponsors, no one with his back, no one even mouthing platitudes of vapid support.
I hope it will get "The I Word" out there anyway, and maybe start people thinking about the corruption and graft and greed and incompetence and pure evil that has signified this maladministration.
Impeachment now!
Posted by Farnsworth68 at 4:28 PM 7 comments
Kucinich Slammed by NBC
Yeah, this doesn't come as a suprise. NBC, the flagship of the MSM, has in effect called Kucinich a hypocrite because he didn't support the Clinton impeachment.
Jesus, give me a fucking break, already. The Clinton impeachment was, no matter how you look at it, a purely political act. Clinton did not commit the Constitutionally-required "high crimes and misdemeanors" that the current bunch does daily, with impunity.
This is another example of the SCLM in action. Watch for this to be a talking point from the right wing, stridently repeated ad nauseum whenever the impeachment is mentioned.
You'd expect this kind of shit from Faux News, but I'd like to live in a world where the major media was doing its job and truly acting as the Fourth Estate instead of a bunch of drooling suckups whining at the jackbooted feet of their overlords in the administration.
And they wonder why the level of trust in the news media has declined over the years.
Posted by Farnsworth68 at 4:28 PM 2 comments
Go Dennis Kucinich!
Cleveland US Rep and Democratic presidential candidate Dennis Kucinich has introduced articles of impeachment against Darth Cheney.
At first it might seem odd, to go after the Vice President instead of the man at the top. But in this case, the target really is the man at the top. Der Monkey Fuehrer is just a meat puppet, doing the bidding of Halliburton and the Carlyle Group, both of whom are found wrapped up in that bundle of slag known as Dick(less) Cheney.
Plus people have a much more visceral dislike of Cheney, and no one really wants to see a President Cheney, which we would have if Baby Doc were impeached.
Ah, but many are the crimes, and hopefully this will be just the first step. It's like a bumper sticker I saw the other day: Impeach Cheney First!
Let's do it.
Posted by Farnsworth68 at 4:26 PM 1 comments
Jessica Lynch Speaks Out
In her testimony before the House Government Reform Committee, in the hearing on the Pat Tillman "friendly-fire" clusterfuck, Jessica Lynch told the true story of what really happened when she was the first American POW to be rescued since WWII.
Hint: It ain't what the BFEE Maladministration said it was.
Jessica says that she is not a hero. The true heroes were her friend Laurie Pestewa, who died in the attack, and the people that came to rescue her.
Never mind that the "rescue" was itself completely bogus, she was never in any danger, had not been shot (despite what we were told) and was being cared for by Iraqi medical personnel.
Never mind that the rescue itself was postponed for 24 hours so the Army could get a video crew there to film it.
It was all pure propaganda, part of the time-honored Bushco traditon of the Big Lie.
But Jessica was wrong about one thing. She is a hero, for having the guts to stand up to the assholes in the Maladministration and the Pentagon.
Way to go, Jessica!
Posted by Farnsworth68 at 4:25 PM 3 comments
Tuesday, April 24, 2007
Rove Isn't Out of the Woods Yet
As much as I tend to slaver over the possibility of Karl Rove doing hard time, I'd almost given up on it. The fucker seems to be made of Teflon.
But I just saw a news story today that gave me some hope.
Seems little Karl is the subject of an ivestigation by something called the U.S. Office of Special Counsel, which is set up to investigate violations of the Hatch Act.
As I've argued before, so goddam much of what is going on in the BFEE has seemed to me to be a clear set of Hatch Act violations.
So it's hats off to Scott J. Bloch, head of the US Special Counsel, and his crew. Here's hoping that they will finally be able to nail little Karl's feet to the floor.
Posted by Farnsworth68 at 4:38 PM 0 comments
Cheney Blasts McGovern, McGovern Shoots Back
When Darth Cheney gave a speech in the Windy City(!), he blasted the Democratic party as having "reverted" to the party of 1972.
George McGovern fights back in an op-ed piece in the LA Times that's well worth the read.
The Democrats' 1972 platform was also in the forefront in pushing for affordable healthcare, full employment with better wages, a stronger environmental and energy effort, support for education at every level and a foreign policy with less confrontation and belligerence and more cooperation and conciliation.So what's wrong with that? If that's "reverting", then bring it on.
All it shows is that the Democratic Party at its core cares about the same things in 2007 that they did in 1972.
Can you say that about the Rethugs? I didn't think so.
Posted by Farnsworth68 at 4:36 PM 1 comments
Monday, April 23, 2007
Postal Rate Hikes to Crush Small Publishers
Jeez, this one came out of left field. The Post Office is hiking rates next month, and we all knew about that. But one thing I didn't know is that the new rates are set by something called the Postal Service Governors, and that is a hand-picked crowd of political cronies appointed by Der Monkey Fuehrer.
So what do they do? Like every other government advisory board jammed with hacks, they never met a large corporation they didn't like, and they bought off on -- swallowed whole -- media giant Time-Warner's plan to raise the rates on a lot of "little" magazines, while keeping theirs low.
Read the open letter from the publisher of The Nation to one James C. Miller III, the chairman of the Postal Board of Governors and be prepared to get pissed. (BTW, check out Miller's biograph and tell me if you don't think he's a poster boy for Rethug cronyism.)
Plus he's just an asshole: "[My budget employees] are the kind of people that run over dogs. [Pause] I meant that in the best possible way."
So back to the topic. When magazines like The Nation are being crippled it's become a freedom of the press issue, but you also know it's big when even shithead wingnut publishers like the National Review and the Weekly Standard are crying foul.
As it stands now, it's a done deal. It's going to happen.
But we can stop it.
Contact your federal representatives and tell them to roll back the postal rate increase for magazines.
Imagine a world in which only Big Media exists. It's like a world in which only Big Oil exists, in which only Wal-Mart exists, and it is not pretty. But we can do something about it.
As Thom Hartman says, the press was the ONLY private enterprise or business named in the US Constitution.
Think about it and make that call.
And you can drop by Freepress and sign a letter to Jimmy Miller III and tell him what you think.
Posted by Farnsworth68 at 5:01 PM 0 comments
Some Perspective on an Isolated Tragedy
While the record-setting killing spree at Virginia Tech is horrible beyond belief, a little perspective is in order.
The day before, six bombs exploded across Bagdad and killed 160 people. That's more than five times the number killed in Virginia, but the slaughter in Virginia gets the headlines.
The week before, coincidentally, 33 Americans were also killed in Iraq. No headlines there, either. Just the slaughter in Virginia.
That's because it's an isolated tragedy. The 160 dead in Bagdad, the 33 dead Americans in Iraq, well, that's just another day on the street for life during wartime. Scaling our population to theirs (we're roughly 10X their figure), if the US had a death toll similar to Iraq's, we would have to lose 1600 people.
Sadly we've gotten inured to the continuing violence in the Iraq Illegal Occupation because it doesn't really touch us in any significant way. It's just an irritant to be dealth with dismissively. It's like the way we build up calluses on our toes. A constant but basically unnoticed irritation creates a hard shell to protect our skin.
Now, after four years of war, we hardly take note of the latest victims of our continuing folly of bringing "democracy" to the Middle East at the point of a gun. But let that gun show up in the hands of a deranged young man and the media is all over it.
Back in my day as an aspiring hack reporter, we had a saying that was only half a joke: "It it bleeds, it leads."
Posted by Farnsworth68 at 4:58 PM 4 comments
Weekly "Bush Twins in Uniform" Watch
It has now been 1061 days since Jenna and Not-Jenna Bush, the slacker offspring of Preznit Numnutz, graduated from college and they are still not in the uniform of the US armed services.
Why? Because they have other priorities. They are too busy partying down in Georgetown, Argentina and god-knows-where-else to show their support for the war by enlisting their chickenhawk-child selves into the military service, that's why.
And it's not just The Twins: NOT ONE SINGLE ONLY ONE member of the extended Bush family has seen fit to volunteer for military service. Check out the Buzzflash analysis of the chickenshit Bush/Cheney extended family and see for yourself. There's even a photo taken in 2000 of the extended Bush family, complete with a whole lot of young fresh faces who seem to be of an age now to be eligible to enlist.
Update: Little Georgie Bush, the son of Jebbie, has just enlisted in the Naval Reserve. He's going into the Officer Training Program, preparing to be ... an intelligence officer. Okay, the obvious jokes aside, what are the chances he's ever going to see Iraq?
Bush and Cheney were cowards during Vietnam who sent other men off to die in their place. Now the next generation is doing its part, sending their own peers off to die instead of them.
Why can't the Twins be more like their royal counterparts in the UK? The British Royal Family, unlike the Bush Crime Family, has a centuries-long tradition of honorable military service. Prince Andrew was a combat helicopter pilot in La Guerre de las Malvinas (aka the Falklands War) and Prince Prince Harry is now on his way to Iraq as a cavalry lieutenant. (Okay, I'll grant you they've got the partying/puking thing down, but come on...)
The son of Senator John McCain has enlisted in the US Marine Corps. That means that as soon as he's done with his training, he's going to be on his way to The Sandbox. Now there's a role model right in their own political party for Jenna and Not-Jenna. Will they follow him?
No, they will not. They are fucking cowards like their father and their Uncle Dick(less) Cheney.
Be sure to check out The Yellow Elephant blog, which asks the question "It's their war; why aren't they fighting it?"
BTW, the twins are also still not pregnant with their own Snowflake Babies. If they can't join the service, the least they could do would be to get themselves impregnated with a couple of blastocytes that would otherwise go into the garbage. Remember what Farnsworth always says: Baste 'em, don't waste 'em.
Posted by Farnsworth68 at 6:18 AM 0 comments
Friday, April 20, 2007
Friday by the Numbers
Total American dead in the Iraq Illegal Occupation: 2500 2513 2532 2540 2546 2558 2571 2585 2597 2605 2619 2641 2710 2737 2758 2788 2809 2826 2865 2888 2906 2959 3006 3018 3025 3067 3087 3118 3132 3151 3166 3189 3210 3233 3245 3266 3299 3316
Total coalition forces dead: 268
Total Iraqi Dead: 600,000+
Number of days since Baby Doc said he'd get Osama Bin Laden "dead or alive": 2048
Number of days since the illegal occupation of Iraq began: 1498
Number of days since "Mission Accomplished": 1448
Number of days between Pearl Harbor and the end of WWII: Only 1347
Number of days that the the Vice President has NOT shot a man in the face: 369
Number of days that the Bush Twins are still not pregnant with baste-'em-or-waste-'em Snowflake babies: 274.
It is still 662 days until the end of the BFEE Maladministration.
Posted by Farnsworth68 at 6:20 AM 2 comments
Monday, April 16, 2007
It's Not Just Imus
I heard some wingnut talk radio over the weekend, and all of the venom-spouting pundits are up in arms about their boy Donny being fired.
In the words of the Immortal Bard, "methinks thou protesteth too much" (Shakespeare, page 9).
Those guys have got to be running scared about this time, since they are seeing -- and rightly so -- that the Imus flap is a sea change in public discourse over the airwaves.
When you have people like inflated gas-bag drug addict Viagra-popping blowhard Rush Limbaugh, who has made a career out of hurtful comments (calling 12-year-old Chelsea Clinton "the White House dog", for example), or gay-baiting Michael Savage, who has called gay people "homos" on the air, or mad-dog frothing-at-the-mouth Neil Boortz referring to Hilary Clinton as a "raving bitch", still on the air, they've got to be shaking in their boots.
Unfortunately when it came right down to it, it was the bottom line that dictated the Imus firing, not some deathbed conversion to standards of decency. When the advertisers pulled out, Imus was toast.
But hey, that's capitalism, folks. If we don't buy the crap that the advertisers are pushing on these hurtful radio shows, they won't be sponsoring them, and those windbag assholes will be off the air and the next time we see them, they'll be showing up as a Trivial Pursuit question.
Just where they belong.
Posted by Farnsworth68 at 7:34 PM 1 comments
Weekly "Bush Twins in Uniform" Watch
It has now been 1054 days since Jenna and Not-Jenna Bush, the slacker offspring of Preznit Numnutz, graduated from college and they are still not in the uniform of the US armed services.
Why? Because they have other priorities. They are too busy partying down in Georgetown, Argentina and god-knows-where-else to show their support for the war by enlisting their chickenhawk-child selves into the military service, that's why.
And it's not just The Twins: NOT ONE SINGLE ONLY ONE member of the extended Bush family has seen fit to volunteer for military service. Check out the Buzzflash analysis of the chickenshit Bush/Cheney extended family and see for yourself. There's even a photo taken in 2000 of the extended Bush family, complete with a whole lot of young fresh faces who seem to be of an age now to be eligible to enlist.
Update: Little Georgie Bush, the son of Jebbie, has just enlisted in the Naval Reserve. He's going into the Officer Training Program, preparing to be ... an intelligence officer. Okay, the obvious jokes aside, what are the chances he's ever going to see Iraq?
Bush and Cheney were cowards during Vietnam who sent other men off to die in their place. Now the next generation is doing its part, sending their own peers off to die instead of them.
Will the Bush Twins enlist? No, they will not. They are fucking cowards like their father and their Uncle Dick(less) Cheney.
Be sure to check out The Yellow Elephant blog, which asks the question "It's their war; why aren't they fighting it?"
BTW, the twins are also still not pregnant with their own Snowflake Babies. If they can't join the service, the least they could do would be to get themselves impregnated with a couple of blastocytes that would otherwise go into the garbage. Remember what Farnsworth always says: Baste 'em, don't waste 'em.
Posted by Farnsworth68 at 7:31 PM 0 comments
Friday, April 13, 2007
A Catch-22 for the New American Century
Remember in Catch-22, where the generals kept increasing the number of missions the bomber crews had to fly before they could go home? Every time Yossarian got close, they'd raise the number.
Now the troops in Iraq have been told the same thing. You get to stay in The Sandbox for 15 months instead of 12. And when that 15 months rolls around and we still haven't won the War on Terratm, when we have lost even more American lives, whaddaya bet they'll increase it again?
If you're not with us, you're with the terrorists.
BTW, Catch-22 didn't just mean a no-win circular-logical situation, such as Orr being crazy to fly more missions, but the only way he could be grounded was to ask for it, which meant he wasn't crazy, so he would have to fly more missions, and so on.
At one point an old Italian woman says "Catch-22 says they have a right to do anything we can't stop them from doing."
And that's what we've got going on now. It truly is a Catch-22 for the New American Century.
Posted by Farnsworth68 at 4:20 PM 0 comments
It's Almost Quaint, Isn't It?
Below you will find some quotations taken directly from the official platform of a major American political party. Guess which one and when.
Honest Government
"Trust, pride, and respect: we pledge to restore these qualities to the way Americans view their government."
Keeping Intelligence Free of Politics
"Nor should the intelligence community be made the scapegoat for political misjudgments. A Republican administration working with the Congress will respect the needs and quiet sacrifices of these public servants as it strengthens America's intelligence and counter-intelligence capabilities…"
Diplomacy and Maintaining Allies
"The arrogance, inconsistency, and unreliability of the administration's diplomacy have undermined American alliances, alienated friends, and emboldened our adversaries."
Endless Military Missions, Exit Strategies and Troop Readiness
"The current administration has casually sent American armed forces on dozens of missions without clear goals, realizable objectives, favorable rules of engagement, or defined exit strategies."
"Sending our military on vague, aimless, and endless missions rapidly saps morale. Even the highest morale is eventually undermined by back-to-back deployments, poor pay, shortages of spare parts and equipment, inadequate training, and rapidly declining readiness. When it comes to military health, the administration is not providing an adequate military health care system…"
Restoring the Rule of Law and the Justice Department
The rule of law, the very foundation for a free society, has been under assault, not only by criminals from the ground up, but also from the top down. An administration that lives by evasion, coverup, stonewalling, and duplicity has given us a totally discredited Department of Justice. The credibility of those who now manage the nation's top law enforcement agency is tragically eroded. We are fortunate to have its dedicated career workforce, especially its criminal prosecutors, who have faced the unprecedented politicization of decisions regarding both personnel and investigations."
Gas Prices
"Today, gas prices have skyrocketed, and oil imports are at all-time highs....By any reasonable standard, the Department of Energy has utterly failed in its mission to safeguard America's energy security. "
Give up?
Okay, it's the Republican Party platform.
From the year 2000.
That was the Clinton Administration being taken to task, and BTW, gas was only $1.50 a gallon back then.
I guess nothing more needs to be said.
[Thanks to Progressive Democrats of America for this one.]
Posted by Farnsworth68 at 4:18 PM 0 comments
Friday by the Numbers
Total American dead in the Iraq Illegal Occupation: 2500 2513 2532 2540 2546 2558 2571 2585 2597 2605 2619 2641 2710 2737 2758 2788 2809 2826 2865 2888 2906 2959 3006 3018 3025 3067 3087 3118 3132 3151 3166 3189 3210 3233 3245 3266 3299
That's 33 in a single week!
Total coalition forces dead: 264
Total Iraqi Dead: 600,000+
Number of days since Baby Doc said he'd get Osama Bin Laden "dead or alive": 2041
Number of days since the illegal occupation of Iraq began: 1491
Number of days since "Mission Accomplished": 1441
Number of days between Pearl Harbor and the end of WWII: Only 1347
Number of days that the the Vice President has NOT shot a man in the face: 362
Number of days that the Bush Twins are still not pregnant with baste-'em-or-waste-'em Snowflake babies: 268.
It is still 669 days until the end of the BFEE Maladministration.
Posted by Farnsworth68 at 4:16 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, April 11, 2007
Unfit for Duty -- Revisiting 9-11
Much has been written, some of it false, over the last 4 1/2 years about Baby Doc's reaction -- or lack thereof -- on the morning of 9-11, but I ran across a tidy little wrapup story by Hal Brown on the Capital Hill Blue website.
It's called Unfit for Duty: Bush's "Pet Goat" Minutes, and it's worth a look -- be sure to read the length posts at the end of the story.
They run the gamut of conspiracy theories, from "Bush Did It" to "Cheney Did It and Didn't Tell Bush" to "The Jews Did It", but the most likely truth, which Hal Brown identifies, that Baby Doc is so cognitively impaired that he was literally unable to process the information.
There is also a link to the full five minute video (courtesy of The Memory Hole of Baby Doc's face after Andrew Card told him, essentially, that the US was under attack and we were at war.
If you haven't seen the full thing, if you've only seen the ten-second-interval stills (which are also on that site), or even the fairly lengthy version in Fahrenheit 9-11, be sure to watch it.
It's frightening that the so-called leader of the free world looks like he's sitting there pissing his pants. Frozen. Unable to act.
Because for the first time in his life, there was no one there to bail him out, no one to tell him what to say, no one to tell him what to do.
Posted by Farnsworth68 at 4:44 PM 2 comments
Return to the Days of the Czar
I see in the news that Der Monkey Fuehrer is having trouble finding a "czar" to take over the overall administration of the Iraq-Afghanistan battle zones.
Maybe it's the use of the word "czar" that's causing him difficulty. Remember, the root of the word czar, like that of the word kaiser, is the Latin word Caesar.
And a cursory exmination of the history of Western Civilization will show that when the free citizens of the Roman Republic went with their ultimate leader/dictator, Julius Caesar, it spelled the end of the republic and the beginning of the Roman Empire.
Haven't we really had enough of autocratic tyrants?
Maybe not. We seem to be allowing it -- even encouraging it -- here.
Posted by Farnsworth68 at 4:43 PM 0 comments
Return to the Days of the Czar
I see in the news that Der Monkey Fuehrer is having trouble finding a "czar" to take over the overall administration of the Iraq-Afghanistan battle zones.
Maybe it's the use of the word "czar" that's causing him difficulty. Remember, the root of the word czar, like that of the word kaiser, is the Latin word Caesar.
And a cursory exmination of the history of Western Civilization will show that when the free citizens of the Roman Republic went with their ultimate leader/dictator, Julias Caesar, it spelled the end of the republic and the beginning of the Roman Empire.
Haven't we really had enough of autocratic tyrants?
Maybe not. We seem to be allowing it -- even encouraging it -- here.
Posted by Farnsworth68 at 4:18 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, April 10, 2007
And Speaking of Gonzo
Today the House Judiciary Committee issued what will, I am sure, prove to be only the first in a long line of subpoenas to Torquemada Gonzales over the political firing of the US Attorneys.
The subpoena is seeking hundreds of pages of records that the Justice Department has been dragging its heels over providing.
Enough is enough, already. Stop the stonewalling and kick loose with some answers. As we learned during the days of Watergate, even the Attorney General is not above the law.
Posted by Farnsworth68 at 4:48 PM 0 comments
Even Newt Gingrich Agrees
Jeez, when even conservative stalwart Newt "Multiple-Marriages=Family-Values" Gingrich says Torquemada Gonzales should step down, I'd say it's pretty much game over.
All that we're waiting for now is the announcement that Gonzo wants to "spend more time with my family".
Oh, and don't forget the Presidential Medal of Freedom. That seems to be Baby Doc's standard reward for people in his maladministration who fuck up beyond all belief.
I guess Gonzo can forget about that Supreme Court position now. Too bad. Back to Texas with you, agujero de asno. I'm sure that one of those BFEE-connected law firms in the Lone Star state will snatch you up and pay you more than you are worth.
Especially since what you are really worth is the 11¢ per hour that we pay prisoners to stamp out license plates.
Posted by Farnsworth68 at 4:48 PM 1 comments
Monday, April 09, 2007
Weekly "Bush Twins in Uniform" Watch
It has now been 1047 days since Jenna and Not-Jenna Bush, the slacker offspring of Preznit Numnutz, graduated from college and they are still not in the uniform of the US armed services.
Why? Because they have other priorities. They are too busy partying down in Georgetown, Argentina and god-knows-where-else to show their support for the war by enlisting their chickenhawk-child selves into the military service, that's why.
And it's not just The Twins: NOT ONE SINGLE ONLY ONE member of the extended Bush family has seen fit to volunteer for military service. Check out the Buzzflash analysis of the chickenshit Bush/Cheney extended family and see for yourself. There's even a photo taken in 2000 of the extended Bush family, complete with a whole lot of young fresh faces who seem to be of an age now to be eligible to enlist.
Update: Little Georgie Bush, the son of Jebbie, has just enlisted in the Naval Reserve. He's going into the Officer Training Program, preparing to be ... an intelligence officer. Okay, the obvious jokes aside, what are the chances he's ever going to see Iraq?
Bush and Cheney were cowards during Vietnam who sent other men off to die in their place. Now the next generation is doing its part, sending their own peers off to die instead of them.
Why can't the Twins be more like their royal counterparts in the UK? The British Royal Family, unlike the Bush Crime Family, has a centuries-long tradition of honorable military service. Prince Andrew was a combat helicopter pilot in La Guerre de las Malvinas (aka the Falklands War) and Prince Prince Harry is now on his way to Iraq as a cavalry lieutenant. (Okay, I'll grant you they've got the partying/puking thing down, but come on...)
The son of Senator John McCain has enlisted in the US Marine Corps. That means that as soon as he's done with his training, he's going to be on his way to The Sandbox. Now there's a role model right in their own political party for Jenna and Not-Jenna. Will they follow him?
No, they will not. They are fucking cowards like their father and their Uncle Dick(less) Cheney.
Be sure to check out The Yellow Elephant blog, which asks the question "It's their war; why aren't they fighting it?"
BTW, the twins are also still not pregnant with their own Snowflake Babies. If they can't join the service, the least they could do would be to get themselves impregnated with a couple of blastocytes that would otherwise go into the garbage. Remember what Farnsworth always says: Baste 'em, don't waste 'em.
Posted by Farnsworth68 at 4:10 PM 0 comments
Friday, April 06, 2007
Friday by the Numbers
Total American dead in the Iraq Illegal Occupation: 2500 2513 2532 2540 2546 2558 2571 2585 2597 2605 2619 2641 2710 2737 2758 2788 2809 2826 2865 2888 2906 2959 3006 3018 3025 3067 3087 3118 3132 3151 3166 3189 3210 3233 3245 3266
Total coalition forces dead: 264
Total Iraqi Dead: 600,000+
Number of days since Baby Doc said he'd get Osama Bin Laden "dead or alive": 2034
Number of days since the illegal occupation of Iraq began: 1484
Number of days since "Mission Accomplished": 1434
Number of days between Pearl Harbor and the end of WWII: Only 1347
Number of days that the the Vice President has NOT shot a man in the face: 355
Number of days that the Bush Twins are still not pregnant with baste-'em-or-waste-'em Snowflake babies: 261.
It is still 676 days until the end of the BFEE Maladministration.
Posted by Farnsworth68 at 6:28 AM 5 comments
Thursday, April 05, 2007
What is Wrong With this Picture?
After it became clear the Swift Boat Liars for Bush bankroller Sammy "The Fixer" Fox was not going to be approved by congress for that waffle-chomping cream-ale-drinking french-fry-eating job as ambassador to tiny Belgium, he "voluntarily" withdrew.
But to prove you can't keep a bad idea from becoming reality, Baby Doc just about pissed his pants waiting to appoint the fucker to the post as a congressional "recess" appointment, which means he's got the job anyway and will have it until the next congress is seated.
In 2009. After Baby Doc (we hope) is gone from office.
Someone needs to put a stop to this crap. While technically it appears to be legal, it is in violation of the spirit of the constitution, which provides that the president can appoint his own people to these various jobs only with the "advice and consent" of the congress.
Fox does not have the consent of the congress. He shouldn't be there.
This is bullshit. This loophole needs to be closed. If it is clear that a nominee will not pass muster and get the constitutionally-required consent and he is appointed anyway, then congress needs to be able to put the skids to it.
As you will recall, the same thing happened with child-molester-lookalike John Bolton, with his walrus moustache and eyes of an unsuccessful rapist, at the UN.
Jesus, what will it take for the congress to put a stop to the imperial presidency and the dictatorship of the Bush Crime Family? At least Democratic presidential contender Chris Dodd is making a squawk about it.
More power to him!
Posted by Farnsworth68 at 7:08 PM 1 comments
More Monica Goodling and her Fifth Amendment Gambit
Heard on the Stephanie Miller show: Once again we're faced with an administration in trouble.
A woman named Monica can be instrumental in bringing charges against a sitting president.
Only this time it's for keeping her mouth shut.
Posted by Farnsworth68 at 7:06 PM 0 comments
More Supporting the Troops, Rethug Style
Buried amidst the cyclone of accusations against Albert "Torquemada" Gonzales and the firing of the US Attorneys is this little bit of trivia: New Mexico US Attorney David Iglesias was cited for being an "absentee landlord" because he had missed work too many times.
Yeah. The only problem is that Iglesias is a captain in the Naval Reserve, and the days that he missed work were days that he spent on his required active duty.
Now that's what I call supporting the troops. In the meantime, it's a clear violation of the Uniformed Services Employment and Reemployment Rights Act, which bars employers from taking action against National Guard and reserve members who have to be gone from work due to their military obligations.
Yet another brick in the impeachment wall.
Posted by Farnsworth68 at 7:05 PM 4 comments
When Even the Mormons Turn Against You
When even the politically conservative Mormon youth turn on you, we can just stick a fork in you 'cause you're pretty much done.
Darth Cheney is the subject of a student protest at, of all places, Mormon-owned Brigham Young University in Provo, Utah.
In the news today, more than 200 protesters are quietly making their feelings known that they do not want Vice Prezdint Crashcart to be their commencement speaker.
Now watch for Rethug money frontrunner Mitt "Flipflop" Romney to try to distance himself from the mouth-breathing shrubbery lurker.
Posted by Farnsworth68 at 7:04 PM 1 comments
It's Not Good to be First
John Walker Lindh, a/k/a Johnny Taliban was sentenced to 20 years at Colorado's "Super Max" prison just for being a member of the Taliban when the Americans arrived in Afghanistan. You remember all the news stories at the time, nearly every single one of which belabored the fact that he was a product of "liberal" Marin County, California.
Now with the slap-on-the-wrist treatment of Australia's David Hicks, who will be released after just nine months, Lindh's parents are petitioning Der Monkey Fuehrer to pardon and release him.
Good luck with that. Baby Doc is too busy expanding presidential power into all kinds of areas where it doesn't belong to utilize the one single power that he has that is constitutionally unlimited -- the power of the pardon.
But Baby Doc has never once in his entire history of fucking up shit as a chief executive (businessman, governor, president) shown the slightest evidence of a lean towards compassion.
Compassionate conservative my ass.
So my guess is that since John Walker Lindh was the first, he will continue to serve as an example, far beyond the line that demarcates between justice and retribution, between fairness and revenge, for most if not all of his term.
Posted by Farnsworth68 at 7:03 PM 0 comments
Oh, the Sweet Smell of Hypocrisy
So Baby Doc and his flying monkeys are criticizing Nancy Pelosi and the Democrats for going to Syria, eh?
Okay, but where was that criticism when Repugnican members of congress visited Syria, and in fact also met with Hezbollah leaders?
Where is it today, since a Rethug delegation is actually boots on the ground right now in Syria?
But I guess that's okay; they are probably just getting ideas from the Hezbollah on how to institute a dictatorial theocracy in the US. No big deal.
Oh, and BTW, check out the news coverage of Pelosi's trip and the White House criticism of it. You'll have to look under rocks to see any mention at all of the Rethug Syrian vacations.
God, I'm so glad we have a "liberal media" in this country.
Posted by Farnsworth68 at 7:02 PM 0 comments
Monday, April 02, 2007
Weekly "Bush Twins in Uniform" Watch
It has now been 1040 days since Jenna and Not-Jenna Bush, the slacker offspring of Preznit Numnutz, graduated from college and they are still not in the uniform of the US armed services.
Why? Because they have other priorities. They are too busy partying down in Georgetown, Argentina and god-knows-where-else to show their support for the war by enlisting their chickenhawk-child selves into the military service, that's why.

And it's not just The Twins:
Update: Little Georgie Bush, the son of Jebbie, has just enlisted in the Naval Reserve. He's going into the Officer Training Program, preparing to be ... an intelligence officer. Okay, the obvious jokes aside, what are the chances he's ever going to see Iraq?
Bush and Cheney were cowards during Vietnam who sent other men off to die in their place. Now the next generation is doing its part, sending their own peers off to die instead of them.
Why can't the Twins be more like their royal counterparts in the UK? The British Royal Family, unlike the Bush Crime Family, has a centuries-long tradition of honorable military service. Prince Andrew was a combat helicopter pilot in La Guerre de las Malvinas (aka the Falklands War) and Prince Prince Harry is now on his way to Iraq as a cavalry lieutenant. (Okay, I'll grant you they've got the partying/puking thing down, but come on...)
The son of Senator John McCain has enlisted in the US Marine Corps. That means that as soon as he's done with his training, he's going to be on his way to The Sandbox. Now there's a role model right in their own political party for Jenna and Not-Jenna. Will they follow him?
No, they will not. They are fucking cowards like their father and their Uncle Dick(less) Cheney.
Be sure to check out The Yellow Elephant blog, which asks the question "It's their war; why aren't they fighting it?"
BTW, the twins are also still not pregnant with their own Snowflake Babies. If they can't join the service, the least they could do would be to get themselves impregnated with a couple of blastocytes that would otherwise go into the garbage. Remember what Farnsworth always says: Baste 'em, don't waste 'em.
Posted by Farnsworth68 at 4:05 PM 1 comments